Metricbeat Default Dashboards TSVB and Histogram Display Issues after Upgrade from 7.17 to 8.7

Hi @Adriann !

I'm sorry that dashboard is giving you some issues. It sounds like one problem is that the terms you're seeing from Elasticsearch aren't always the true top 10 values. Did I understand that right?

If so, could you try clicking that "Edit visualization in Lens" button to open this vis in Lens? Once you've done that, you can enable accuracy mode (see the video on the PR) which should improve the accuracy of your results at the expense of some extra load on Elasticsearch.

If you want to understand more about why you don't always get the true top values in this case, my colleague wrote a great explanation of how the underlying tech works. Of course, let me know if you have any questions.

As far as the dashboard URL thing—could you explain a bit more how you're trying to use the URLs? Are you trying to share the dashboard externally?