Metricbeat MSSQL module How to configure SQL server connection on other TCP listening ports

How to configure the hosts with a different tcp listen port


  • module: mssql

    • "transaction_log"
    • "performance"
      hosts: ["sqlserver:user:password@tcp(localhost:51964)"]

    period: 10s

2019-05-07T12:40:06.656+0200 ERROR instance/beat.go:802 Exiting: 1 error: 2 errors: could not create connection to db: error doing ping to db: Invalid tcp port '51964)': strconv.ParseUint: parsing "51964)": invalid syntax; could
not create connection to db: error doing ping to db: Invalid tcp port '51964)': strconv.ParseUint: parsing "51964)": invalid syntax
Exiting: 1 error: 2 errors: could not create connection to db: error doing ping to db: Invalid tcp port '51964)': strconv.ParseUint: parsing "51964)": invalid syntax; could not create connection to db: error doing ping to db: Invalid tcp
port '51964)': strconv.ParseUint: parsing "51964)": invalid syntax
PS C:\Program Files\metricbeat>


Correct format appears to be:


How can i ask the metric beat to use windows authentication instead of sql authentication?

Hi, I have the same issue and the format : hosts: ["sqlserver://user:password@localhost:1433"] didn't work.
Have this issue been solved ?

Hi ,

I have a two instance in sql. I done configuration but didnt it. You can see below error messages.

[ "sqlserver://user:password@localhost:1433" ]

Exiting: 1 error: 2 errors: could not create connection to db: error doing ping to db: Unable to open tcp connection with host 'localhost:51964': dial tcp [::1]:51964: connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

How can i resolve ?

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