Metricbeat multiple metricsets configuration issue

Hi ,
We have configured metricbeats to montior our local system CPU,memory and disk space usage,the following is my metricbeat.yml file content:


  • module: system

    CPU stats

    • cpu
# System Load stats
- load
# Per CPU core stats
#- core
# IO stats
#- diskio
# Per filesystem stats
- filesystem
# File system summary stats
- fsstat
# Memory stats
- memory
# Network stats
- network
# Per process stats
- process
# Sockets (linux only)
#- socket

enabled: true
period: 10s
processes: ['.*']
metricsets: ["core", "cpu" ,"memory"]
cpu_ticks: true

The above config is not working for us , actually we want CPU,Memory and disk space usage for the system module, But it is not giving me memory usage , How to configure multiple metricsets in same config file?? Can you please help me in this I am new to metricbeats, and elasticserach.

Thanks in Advance!!

Can you post your config as a pastebin? Somehow the formatting here is broken.

Hi this my configurations in metribeat.yml file:

- module: system
# CPU stats
- cpu

# System Load stats
- load

# Per CPU core stats
#- core

# IO stats
#- diskio

# Per filesystem stats
- filesystem

# File system summary stats
- fsstat

# Memory stats
- memory

# Network stats
- network

# Per process stats
- process

# Sockets (linux only)
#- socket
enabled: true
period: 10s
processes: ['.*']
metricsets: ["core", "cpu" ,"memory"]
cpu_ticks: true

You might have an indentation issue, the first metricsets block needs to be indented with 2 spaces. Also, you seem to define the metric sets twice, which doesn't make sense.

Hi Tudor,

Can you please post the exact configuration and with correct indention here. I tried at my side but still it is not working. Thanks for your help!

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