Hello, I am trying to combine data in a way that everything will be clean and seperated.
I am using a index for the database information and another index for metricbeat. For the combined data of those two, I use the same alias, but somehow metricbeat just posts all information in all aliases and indexes without even having the same alias as the one it's posting in. Bad explaination, here is my schema.
index: company_data-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}
ALIAS: company_data_monthly_05 & company_comb_monthly_05 index: company_data-2017.05*
ALIAS: company_data_daily_22 & company_comb_daily_22 index: company_data-2017.05.22
index: metricbeat-*
ALIAS: company_metrics_monthly_05 & company_comb_monthly_05 index: metricbeat-2017.05*
ALIAS: company_metrics_daily_22 & company_comb_daily_22 index: metribeat-2017.05.22
I do not wan't metricbeat to flood other aliases