Metricbeat: upload output file to elasticsearch manually


I'd like to post-process the metricbeat output, so I am using the "File output" module. However, when uploading the data to elasticsearch, I am getting an "illegal_argument_exception":

A single example message taken from metricbeat.1 file

msg = '{"@timestamp":"2017-02-21T21:33:35.659Z","beat":{"hostname":"elk1","name":"elk1","version":"5.2.1"},"metricset":{"module":"system","name":"cpu","rtt":53},"system":{"cpu":{"cores":1,"idle":{"pct":0.000000},"iowait":{"pct":0.000000},"irq":{"pct":0.000000},"nice":{"pct":0.000000},"softirq":{"pct":0.000000},"steal":{"pct":0.000000},"system":{"pct":0.000000},"user":{"pct":0.000000}}},"type":"metricsets"}'

PUT on a new index fails:

In [1]: requests.put('http://elk:9200/metricbeat-1/', data=msg).text
Out[1]: u'{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"unknown setting [index.@timestamp] please check that any required plugins are installed, or check the breaking changes documentation for removed settings"}],"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"unknown setting [index.@timestamp] please check that any required plugins are installed, or check the breaking changes documentation for removed settings"},"status":400}'


  • Using version 5.2.2 of elasticsearch and metricbeat
  • No indices, mappings, index templates exist in elasticsearch (clean installation)
  • Whether the default metricbeat.template.json is loaded or not, does not seem to make a difference.

How can I manually upload the metricbeat output file to the elasticsearch ingest node, so that it will look like a regular metricbeat client?

Kind regards,
Wiem DW

TBH I never tried that and the file output was no designed with this in mind. I'm not sure why you get a plugin error above but one thing that is probably missing from the event is the type.

What is the client you are using above?

The type seems to be set to "metricsets" (see the end of the example 'msg=').

I am using python-requests for testing, so basically just a plain HTTP PUT call.

Can you remove the @timestamp from the event again and see if that works? Are you using any ingest pipeline in ES?

When I remove the '@timestamp' field, the error remains the same but about the 'unknown setting [index.beat.hostname]" field.

I am not using any pipeline or mapping, just a auto-created index.

Could you try to put the document into elasticsearch with just using curl and see what happens? Which ES version are you using?

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