Migrating Elastic Cluster to another cluster


I would like to upgrade elastic to latest version.
I'm going to create new cluster with latest version then migrate the data from existing cluster (version 8.6) to new cluster. I'm going to migrate the data also the configuration.
is it possible?
do you guys have any best practice?


Hi @Putri_Arsyi , Welcome to the Elastic Community.

For upgrading here are the steps - Upgrade to Elastic 8.11.1 | Elastic Installation and Upgrade Guide [8.11] | Elastic

For your case -

Majorly there are three strategies to migrate data from one cluster to another

  1. Reindexing
  2. Snapshot and Restore
  3. Indexing from the source - You have the option to use any ingestion method that you want— logstash, the Elasticsearch clients (Write the custom script)

You're migrating from version 8.6, Reindexing should work smoothly.

Hi @ashishtiwari1993 ,

thanks for your reply, as I read document I think the easiest way to upgrade is using reindex from remote source. Can it be used on premise?

also I reconsider about downtime. do you have suggestion to migrate cluster with 0 downtime?

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