Migration error

I'm getting below error while running kibana.bat for 7.16.2 version.
Error: Unable to complete saved object migrations for the [.kibana_task_manager] index: Migrations failed. Reason: 2 corrupt saved object documents were found: Maps-maps_telemetry,oss_telemetry-vis_telemetry
To allow migrations to proceed, please delete or fix these documents.

When upgrading Kibana form < 7.3 to 7.4+ the .kibana_task_manager index gets converted into a saved objects index and all documents get migrated to a new schema. However, if during this upgrade there is a mix of old and new Kibana instances, the old instances will continue to write documents to .kibana_task_manager using the old format.

Starting in 7.8 Kibana will log a warning when encountering these corrupt saved objects and starting in 7.12 Kibana will fail the migration. So although the root cause could be an earlier upgrade to 7.4, it will only be surfaced when upgrading to 7.12+


Delete the corrupt documents

DELETE /.kibana_task_manager/_doc/Maps-maps_telemetry
DELETE /.kibana_task_manager/_doc/oss_telemetry-vis_telemetry

These documents are tasks created before 7.4 and deleting them has no impact.


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