Minimum access required by developer to ELK tool


We are using ELK 8.1.4 running on cluster.
Setting up the roles and permissions for users utilising spaces and all.

Just want to know what is minimum level of access privilege required by a developer?


To do what though?

Generally developers will access the tool just to look for application logs to troubleshoot issues, look for the APM metrics..etc.

Basically they just need access but not going to manage anything.

We been checking elastic on privileges just want to read access is sufficient or we need to give viewmetadata access also.


Hi Mark,

Thanks for the response.

Basically we dont want developers want to manage or configure something inside the ELK stack. Only want to let them to access the logs, APM, discover..etc to troubleshoot.

So looking for what the minimum access we could provide them to achive this.


Hi @warkolm

I have provided the details on your question.

Could you respond when you get a chance to look.


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