I'm attempting to use the terms query syntax suggested in http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/query-dsl/terms-query.html
i.e. { "terms" : { "tags" : [ "blue", "red" ], "minimum_match" :
2 } }. In this case I would like my results to match both "blue" and
"red", but I'm getting all results that match one or the other. Is
this the proper way to write the query? I thought {"and" :
[ { "term" : { "tags" : "blue"} }, {"term": {"tags": "red"} }]} may be
slower since the search didn't necessarily know the term queries were
looking at the same field. Thoughts?
I'm attempting to use the terms query syntax suggested in Elasticsearch Platform — Find real-time answers at scale | Elastic
i.e. { "terms" : { "tags" : [ "blue", "red" ], "minimum_match" :
2 } }. In this case I would like my results to match both "blue" and
"red", but I'm getting all results that match one or the other. Is
this the proper way to write the query? I thought {"and" :
[ { "term" : { "tags" : "blue"} }, {"term": {"tags": "red"} }]} may be
slower since the search didn't necessarily know the term queries were
looking at the same field. Thoughts?
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