Missing MISP docs?

I have set up a MISP instance and have configured filebeat to query the MISP server. However, I cannot find the actual docs in any indices in logstash.

When running journalctl -fu logstash, I see this every few minutes:

INFO        [input.httpjson-cursor]        v2/input.go:112        Process another repeated request.        {"id": "<id>", "input_source": "https://<myserver>/events/restSearch", "input_url": "https://<myserver>/events/restSearch"}
INFO        [input.httpjson-cursor]        v2/request.go:210        request finished: 989 events published        {"id": "<id>", "input_source": "https://<myserver>/events/restSearch", "input_url": "https://<myserver>/events/restSearch"}

I checked filebeat.yml and confirmed the output host (output.logstash), other events are being forwarded there without a problem. There are no errors in the logs.

Chaning the MISP server URL in /etc/filebeat/modules.d/threatintel.yml from https://<myserver>/events/restSearch to https://<myserver>/ and restarting filebeat causes 0 events to be published, as opposed to 989 as shown earlier:

INFO        [input.httpjson-cursor]        v2/input.go:112        Process another repeated request.        {"id": "<id>", "input_source": "https://<myserver>/events/restSearch", "input_url": "https://<myserver>/events/restSearch"}
INFO        [input.httpjson-cursor]        v2/request.go:210        request finished: 0 events published        {"id": "<id>", "input_source": "https://<myserver>/events/restSearch", "input_url": "https://<myserver>/events/restSearch"}

I've tried several variations of

GET <myindex>/_search
  "query": {
    "query_string": {
      "query": "(misp) OR (MISP)"

with no luck. Running

  "query": {
    "query_string": {
      "query": "input.httpjson-cursor"

shows the same thing i am seeing in the commandline via journalctl, but again, not the actual events/docs. I also don't see them with any query I've tried in the Kibana Discover page and the graph never shows 989 events being ingested.

This is my filebeat.yml

- module: threatintel
    enabled: false

    enabled: false

    enabled: false

    enabled: true
    var.input: httpjson
    var.url: https://<myserver>/events/restSearch
    var.api_token: <mytoken>
    var.ssl.verification_mode: none
    var.first_interval: 300h
    var.interval: 5m

    enabled: false

    enabled: false

    enabled: false

    enabled: false

Is there a step that I'm missing??

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