Missing raw fields with default index

I've setup an ELK server for production use after doing a proof of concept but I'm missing the raw fields on the production server like I have on the POC server. Everything else is working but I need the raw fields because some of the data has dashes so I can't use the regular fields.

OS: CentOS 7

Here is my current logstash.conf:

input {
syslog {
port => 5514
type => "syslog"
tags => ["syslog"]

filter {
if [type] == "syslog" {
grok {
break_on_match => true
# multiple filters included because all logs are dumped into one syslog and transferred over
# the log type for the parse is at the end of the line in a comment
match => [
"message", "^%{GREEDYDATA:event}[%{WORD:loglevel}] %{NUMBER:event_id} %{GREEDYDATA:parsed_msg}", #windows
"message", "^%{GREEDYDATA:event}[%{WORD:loglevel}] message repeated %{NUMBER} times: [ %{NUMBER:event_id}", #windows
"message", "^%{HOSTNAME:event} %{NUMBER:event_id} %{GREEDYDATA:parsed_msg}", #windows
"message", "^%{HOSTNAME:event}[%{WORD} %{NUMBER:event_id} %{GREEDYDATA:parsed_msg}", #windows
"message", "^ %{NUMBER:event_id} %{HOSTNAME:logsource} events %{HOSTNAME:event} %{GREEDYDATA:parsed_msg}", #firewall
"message", "^ %{NUMBER:event_id} %{HOSTNAME:logsource} events %{WORD:event} %{GREEDYDATA:parsed_msg}", #firewall
"message", "^ %{NUMBER:event_id} %{HOSTNAME:logsource} events type=%{WORD:event} %{GREEDYDATA:parsed_msg}", #firewall
"message", "^ %{NUMBER:event_id} %{HOSTNAME:logsource} events %{WORD:event}: %{GREEDYDATA:parsed_msg}", #firewall
"message", "^ %{NUMBER:event_id} %{HOSTNAME:logsource} %{HOSTNAME:event} %{GREEDYDATA:parsed_msg}", #firewall
"message", "^%{IP:logsource}-1 %{GREEDYDATA:event}[%{NUMBER:event_id}]: %{GREEDYDATA:parsed_msg}", #switches
"message", "^%{IP:logsource} %{WORD:event} %{GREEDYDATA:parsed_msg}", #switches
"message", "^syslog %{WORD:event} %{GREEDYDATA:parsed_msg}", #switches
"message", "^ %{NUMBER} %{WORD} events type=%{WORD:event} %{GREEDYDATA:parsed_msg}", #waps
"message", "^%{SYSLOG5424PRI}%{CISCOTIMESTAMP} %{HOSTNAME:logsource} [%{YEAR}-%{MONTHNUM}-%{MONTHDAY} %{HAPROXYTIME} %{HOSTNAME:program} +%{WORD:loglevel} +%{GREEDYDATA:parsed_msg}", #vcenter
"message", "^%{SYSLOG5424PRI}%{CISCOTIMESTAMP} %{HOSTNAME:logsource}.*Z [%{WORD} %{WORD:loglevel} '%{WORD:program}' +%{GREEDYDATA:parsed_msg}", #vcenter
"message", "^%{SYSLOG5424PRI}%{CISCOTIMESTAMP} %{HOSTNAME:logsource}.*Z [%{WORD} %{WORD:loglevel} '[%{WORD:program}]' +%{GREEDYDATA:parsed_msg}", #vcenter
"message", "^%{SYSLOG5424PRI}%{CISCOTIMESTAMP} %{HOSTNAME:logsource}.*Z [%{WORD} %{WORD:loglevel} '%{WORD:program}'] +%{GREEDYDATA:parsed_msg}", #vcenter
"message", "^%{SYSLOG5424PRI}%{CISCOTIMESTAMP} %{HOSTNAME:logsource} %{GREEDYDATA:parsed_msg}", #vcenter
"message", "^%{SYSLOG5424PRI}%{SYSLOGLINE} %{GREEDYDATA:parsed_msg}"] #vcenter

output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
sniffing => true
manage_template => false
index => "logstash-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"

manage_template => false

This tells Logstash that you're managing the index templates yourself. Are you actually doing that?

No I am not, so I can remove that, restart logstash and the raw fields will show back up?

Yes, but only for newly created indexes.

So that means those fields should show up tomorrow when it creates the daily index, awesome! Thank you so much, I didn't even think to check on that parameter, sorry about that.

Unfortunately that didn't work :frowning: The new index was created but I still don't have the raw fields.
I'm stuck on this one and can't move forward with my dashboards until I have the raw fields.

Any ideas?

Check the installed mapping template(s). Do they contain what you expect (i.e. list .raw subfields for string fields)? If the index template looks correct, what happens if you create a new index (e.g. on a day some time in the future), does that index get the correct mappings?

That's a good suggestion, I'll check on both of those. I do want to say that they showed up after I restarted elasticsearch (I only restarted logstash) but only for certain fields. Totally weird.

It should create raw entries for any custom fields I have too right? That's how it was setup before and all my stuff uses the raw fields when the data contains dashes.

There should be .raw subfields for string fields that don't have an explicit configuration to not have a .raw subfield.

I found the problem, I took some mutates out of my logstash config because I didn't think I needed them. I deleted all the indices and added the mutate statements back in. Everything is working fine now, thanks!

#convert our datatypes so we can report on them
mutate {
convert => { "event_id" => "string" }
mutate {
convert => { "event" => "string" }
mutate {
convert => { "logsource" => "string" }
mutate {
convert => { "program" => "string" }