Monitor GC duration/count


I want know
how many GC are executed in last 5 min
how long duration's GC is ?

I want use : GET /_nodes/elasticsearch_instance1/stats/jvm :
Output return :

      "jvm": {
    "timestamp": 1554888379405,
    "uptime_in_millis": 56643256,
    "mem": {
      "heap_used_in_bytes": 16247615560,
      "heap_used_percent": 50,
      "heap_committed_in_bytes": 32212254720,
      "heap_max_in_bytes": 32212254720,
      "non_heap_used_in_bytes": 115543704,
      "non_heap_committed_in_bytes": 122445824,
      "pools": {
        "young": {
          "used_in_bytes": 14663286784,
          "max_in_bytes": 0,
          "peak_used_in_bytes": 18001952768,
          "peak_max_in_bytes": 0
        "survivor": {
          "used_in_bytes": 109051904,
          "max_in_bytes": 0,
          "peak_used_in_bytes": 385875968,
          "peak_max_in_bytes": 0
        "old": {
          "used_in_bytes": 1475276872,
          "max_in_bytes": 32212254720,
          "peak_used_in_bytes": 1475276872,
          "peak_max_in_bytes": 32212254720
    "gc": {
      "collectors": {
        "young": {
          "collection_count": 22,
          "collection_time_in_millis": 1462
        "old": {
          "collection_count": 0,
          "collection_time_in_millis": 0
indent preformatted text by 4 spaces

So, i don't understand return values ?

My final aim is to put value is a text file to create graph about it :

exemple :

date_every_5min ; instances es ; nbre gc ; average duration gc
100419_11_30 ; elasticsearch_instance1; 10 ; 100ms
100419_11_30 ; elasticsearch_instance2; 5 ; 60ms
100419_11_35 ; elasticsearch_instance3; 7 ;  70ms
100419_11_35 ; elasticsearch_instance1; 7 ;  35ms
100419_11_35 ; elasticsearch_instance2; 3 ;  86ms

Is possible ?

For example, what represente value in count ? For the current day ? Last XX minutes ?

Same on :

          "collection_time_in_millis": 1462

This is the duration of GC young, but it is duration for the current day ? (so i must divise this value by the number of hour in the day ?)

The GC statistics you list are all cumulative, increasing from zero since the node was started. If you want to measure statistics over a time period then you should measure the values at the start and end of the time period and subtract them.

Waw it's not intuitive.

My node started 08/04/2019 at 8.00 am.
=> Currently its have 22 count and 1462 ms of duration
If i follow you, average day : 11,5 count et 731 ms of duration (so 65 ms by gc)

It's possible to use monitor metrics to create this type of visualization on Kibana ?

Reporting cumulative statistics like this is pretty common, see e.g. /proc/diskstats, /proc/net/dev, Postgres statistics and many more. It would be much less intuitive (and much more computationally expensive) for these numbers to represent events within some arbitrary time window.

Yes, see for an example.

I use free X-Pack (on 5).

In, Nodes, Advanced, i can see 2 graph very interesting :

GC Count and GC Duration on nodes. How to reproduce the same with curl API from shell.

I want that, because free X-Pack have 7 days of retention. I want store more days, so i must use log file in Linux.

7 days is the default for xpack.monitoring.history.duration but if you want to retain more data then you can increase this setting. The basic X-pack licence doesn't limit the amount of data you can retain as far as I can tell.

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