hello ElasticSearch team - First of all a big thanks to you for rolling out
the snapshot and restore functionality in 0.90.7 version. I think it is of
great use.
I have a question on multi-data center deployment. I am wondering if I can
leverage this snapshot/restore functionality for multi data center
deployment? Can you pl comment?
snapshot/restore has not been released with 0.90.7 - it is only part of the
github master branch (and will be part of the next 1.0.0 beta release).
You could use snapshot/restore for multi data center deployment, but as
this functionality does not work on a per document basis (but rather per
lucene segment), this will not work for full realtime replication
functionality your application might require (it is more intended for
backup. Do a snapshot, store somewhere, fire up some other ES cluster,
restore from that snapshot).
hello Elasticsearch team - First of all a big thanks to you for rolling
out the snapshot and restore functionality in 0.90.7 version. I think it is
of great use.
I have a question on multi-data center deployment. I am wondering if I can
leverage this snapshot/restore functionality for multi data center
deployment? Can you pl comment?
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