Multi_match search appears to be using the index analyzer

I'm using Elasticsearch 5.5 on AWS.

With a type (with NEST mapping attributes) that looks like this:

	public class MyType
		public const string AutocompleteAnalyzer = "autocomplete";
		public const string StopWordsAnalyzer = "stopwords";

		public string Id { get; set; }

		[Text(Analyzer = AutocompleteAnalyzer, SearchAnalyzer = StopWordsAnalyzer)]
		public string Name { get; set; }

		public string NotAnalyzedProperty { get; set; }

		[Text(Analyzer = AutocompleteAnalyzer, SearchAnalyzer = StopWordsAnalyzer)]
		public string OtherTextProperty { get; set; }

The index is created like this:

var indexDescriptor = new CreateIndexDescriptor(IndexName)
    .Settings(s => s
        .Analysis(a => a
            .TokenFilters(t => t.EdgeNGram("autocomplete_filter", e => e.MinGram(3).MaxGram(20)))
            .Analyzers(aa => aa
                .Custom(MyType.AutocompleteAnalyzer, c => c.Tokenizer("standard").Filters("lowercase", "autocomplete_filter"))
                .Standard(MyType.StopWordsAnalyzer, w => w.StopWords(_stopWords)))))
        .Mappings(ms => ms.Map<MyType>(m => m.AutoMap().Properties(p => p.Text(f => f.Name(t => t.Name).Fields(ff => ff
            .Text(tt => tt
            .Keyword(k => k

var createIndexResponse = await _elasticClient.CreateIndexAsync(indexDescriptor, cancellationToken);

When I run this search:


It matches any document that contains any word starting with "rai", instead of just those that contain "raining". If I add "analyzer":"stopwords" to the multi_match query, it works as expected, and only finds documents containing "raining".

My understanding from the docs, and also other questions (, is that the search should default to the search analyzer defined in the field mappings, but it appears to be using the index analyzer instead.

I assume there is something wrong with my mapping, but I can't see what. Any ideas?

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