Multi_search: "Unknown key for a START_OBJECT in [multi_match]."


PUT /my_index/my_type/1
    "title": "Quick brown rabbits",
    "body":  "Brown rabbits are commonly seen."

PUT /my_index/my_type/2
    "title": "Keeping pets healthy",
    "body":  "My quick brown fox eats rabbits on a regular basis."


GET my_index/my_type/_search
    "multi_match": {
        "query":                "Quick brown fox",
        "type":                 "best_fields", 
        "fields":               [ "title", "body" ],
        "tie_breaker":          0.3,
        "minimum_should_match": "30%" 


  "error": {
    "root_cause": [
        "type": "parsing_exception",
        "reason": "Unknown key for a START_OBJECT in [multi_match].",
        "line": 2,
        "col": 20
    "type": "parsing_exception",
    "reason": "Unknown key for a START_OBJECT in [multi_match].",
    "line": 2,
    "col": 20
  "status": 400

How should I resolve this error?

You need to put your query in the query part of the search request body. Try this:

GET my_index/my_type/_search
  "query": {
    "multi_match": {
      "query": "Quick brown fox",
      "type": "best_fields",
      "fields": [
      "tie_breaker": 0.3,
      "minimum_should_match": "30%"
1 Like

Thankyou @colings86 for resolving the issue.

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