Multilevel Vega Sankey Paths Not Lining Up

I am trying to create some multilevel sankey diagrams in Kibana using Vega. I have it almost done, but the paths do not align on the center stack when highlighting one of the outside stacks. See image.

I don't know if it is even possible to force Vega to line the paths up on the middle stack. I have never played with Vega before this week. I got this far with help from Elastic blogs and some examples others have posted here.

Here is my code.

  data: [
      // query ES based on the currently selected time range and filter string
      name: rawData
      url: {
        %context%: true
        %timefield%: timestamp
        index: kibana_sample_data_flights
        body: {
          size: 0
          aggs: {
            table: {
              composite: {
                size: 50
                sources: [
                    stk1: {
                      terms: {field: "OriginCityName"}
                    stk2: {
                      terms: {field: "Carrier"}
                    stk3: {
                      terms: {field: "DestCityName"}
      // From the result, take just the data we are interested in
      format: {property: "aggregations.table.buckets"}
      // Convert key.stk1 -> stk1 for simpler access below
      transform: [
        {type: "formula", expr: "datum.key.stk1", as: "stk1"}
        {type: "formula", expr: "datum.key.stk2", as: "stk2"}
        {type: "formula", expr: "datum.key.stk3", as: "stk3"}
        {type: "formula", expr: "datum.doc_count", as: "size"}
      name: nodes
      source: rawData
      transform: [
        // when a country is selected, filter out unrelated data
          type: filter
          expr: !groupSelector || groupSelector.stk1 == datum.stk1 || groupSelector.stk2 == datum.stk2 || groupSelector.stk3 == datum.stk3
        // Set new key for later lookups - identifies each node
        {type: "formula", expr: "datum.stk1+datum.stk2+datum.stk3", as: "key"}

        // instead of each table row, create two new rows,
        // one for the source (stack=stk1) and one for destination node (stack=stk2).
        // The country code stored in stk1 and stk2 fields is placed into grpId field.
          type: fold
          fields: ["stk1", "stk2", "stk3"]
          as: ["stack", "grpId"]
        // Create a sortkey, different for stk1 and stk2 stacks.
        // Space separator ensures proper sort order in some corner cases.
          type: formula
          expr: datum.stack == 'stk1' ? datum.stk1+' '+datum.stk2 : datum.stk2+' '+datum.stk1
          as: sortField
        // Calculate y0 and y1 positions for stacking nodes one on top of the other,
        // independently for each stack, and ensuring they are in the proper order,
        // alphabetical from the top (reversed on the y axis)
          type: stack
          groupby: ["stack"]
          sort: {field: "sortField", order: "descending"}
          field: size
        // calculate vertical center point for each node, used to draw edges
        {type: "formula", expr: "(datum.y0+datum.y1)/2", as: "yc"}
      name: nodes2
      source: rawData
      transform: [
        // when a country is selected, filter out unrelated data
          type: filter
          expr: !groupSelector || groupSelector.stk1 == datum.stk1 || groupSelector.stk2 == datum.stk2 || groupSelector.stk3 == datum.stk3
        // Set new key for later lookups - identifies each node
        {type: "formula", expr: "datum.stk1+datum.stk2+datum.stk3", as: "key"}

        // instead of each table row, create two new rows,
        // one for the source (stack=stk1) and one for destination node (stack=stk2).
        // The country code stored in stk1 and stk2 fields is placed into grpId field.
          type: fold
          fields: ["stk1", "stk2", "stk3"]
          as: ["stack", "grpId"]
        // Create a sortkey, different for stk1 and stk2 stacks.
        // Space separator ensures proper sort order in some corner cases.
          type: formula
          expr: datum.stack == 'stk2' ? datum.stk2+' '+datum.stk3 : datum.stk3+ ' '+datum.stk2
          as: sortField
        // Calculate y0 and y1 positions for stacking nodes one on top of the other,
        // independently for each stack, and ensuring they are in the proper order,
        // alphabetical from the top (reversed on the y axis)
          type: stack
          groupby: ["stack"]
          sort: {field: "sortField", order: "descending"}
          field: size
        // calculate vertical center point for each node, used to draw edges
        {type: "formula", expr: "(datum.y0+datum.y1)/2", as: "yc"}
      name: groups
      source: nodes
      transform: [
        // combine all nodes into country groups, summing up the doc counts
          type: aggregate
          groupby: ["stack", "grpId"]
          fields: ["size"]
          ops: ["sum"]
          as: ["total"]
        // re-calculate the stacking y0,y1 values
          type: stack
          groupby: ["stack"]
          sort: {field: "grpId", order: "descending"}
          field: total
        // project y0 and y1 values to screen coordinates
        // doing it once here instead of doing it several times in marks
        {type: "formula", expr: "scale('y', datum.y0)", as: "scaledY0"}
        {type: "formula", expr: "scale('y', datum.y1)", as: "scaledY1"}
        // boolean flag if the label should be on the right of the stack
        // {type: "formula", expr: "datum.stack == 'stk3'", as: "rightLabel"}
        {type: "formula", expr: "datum.stack == 'stk1'", as: "rightLabel"}
        // Calculate traffic percentage for this country using "y" scale
        // domain upper bound, which represents the total traffic
          type: formula
          as: percentage
      name: groups2
      source: nodes2
      transform: [
        // combine all nodes into country groups, summing up the doc counts
          type: aggregate
          groupby: ["stack", "grpId"]
          fields: ["size"]
          ops: ["sum"]
          as: ["total"]
        // re-calculate the stacking y0,y1 values
          type: stack
          groupby: ["stack"]
          sort: {field: "grpId", order: "descending"}
          field: total
        // project y0 and y1 values to screen coordinates
        // doing it once here instead of doing it several times in marks
        {type: "formula", expr: "scale('y', datum.y0)", as: "scaledY0"}
        {type: "formula", expr: "scale('y', datum.y1)", as: "scaledY1"}
        // boolean flag if the label should be on the right of the stack
        // {type: "formula", expr: "datum.stack == 'stk3'", as: "rightLabel"}
        {type: "formula", expr: "datum.stack2 == 'stk2'", as: "rightLabel"}
        // Calculate traffic percentage for this country using "y" scale
        // domain upper bound, which represents the total traffic
          type: formula
          as: percentage
      // This is a temp lookup table with all the 'stk2' stack nodes
      name: destinationNodes
      source: nodes
      transform: [
        {type: "filter", expr: "datum.stack == 'stk2'"}
      // This is a temp lookup table with all the 'stk3' stack nodes
      name: destinationNodes2
      source: nodes2
      transform: [
        {type: "filter", expr: "datum.stack == 'stk3'"}
      name: edges
      source: nodes
      transform: [
        // we only want nodes from the left stack
        {type: "filter", expr: "datum.stack == 'stk1'"}
        // find corresponding node from the right stack, keep it as "target"
          type: lookup
          from: destinationNodes
          key: key
          fields: ["key"]
          as: ["target"]
        // calculate SVG link path between stk1 and stk2 stacks for the node pair
          type: linkpath
          orient: horizontal
          sourceY: {expr: "scale('y', datum.yc)"}
          sourceX: {expr: "scale('x', 'stk1') + bandwidth('x')"}
          targetY: {expr: "scale('y',"}
          targetX: {expr: "scale('x', 'stk2')"}
        // A little trick to calculate the thickness of the line.
        // The value needs to be the same as the hight of the node, but scaling
        // size to screen's height gives inversed value because screen's Y
        // coordinate goes from the top to the bottom, whereas the graph's Y=0
        // is at the bottom. So subtracting scaled doc count from screen height
        // (which is the "lower" bound of the "y" scale) gives us the right value
          type: formula
          expr: range('y')[0]-scale('y', datum.size)
          as: strokeWidth
        // Tooltip needs individual link's percentage of all traffic
          type: formula
          expr: datum.size/domain('y')[1]
          as: percentage
      name: edges2
      source: nodes2
      transform: [
        // we only want nodes from the left stack
        {type: "filter", expr: "datum.stack == 'stk2'"}
        // find corresponding node from the right stack, keep it as "target"
          type: lookup
          from: destinationNodes2
          key: key
          fields: ["key"]
          as: ["target"]
        // calculate SVG link path between stk2 and stk3 stacks for the node pair
          type: linkpath
          orient: horizontal
          shape: diagonal
          sourceY: {expr: "scale('y', datum.yc)"}
          sourceX: {expr: "scale('x', 'stk2') + bandwidth('x')"}
          targetY: {expr: "scale('y',"}
          targetX: {expr: "scale('x', 'stk3')"}
        // A little trick to calculate the thickness of the line.
        // The value needs to be the same as the hight of the node, but scaling
        // size to screen's height gives inversed value because screen's Y
        // coordinate goes from the top to the bottom, whereas the graph's Y=0
        // is at the bottom. So subtracting scaled doc count from screen height
        // (which is the "lower" bound of the "y" scale) gives us the right value
          type: formula
          expr: range('y')[0]-scale('y', datum.size)
          as: strokeWidth
        // Tooltip needs individual link's percentage of all traffic
          type: formula
          expr: datum.size/domain('y')[1]
          as: percentage
  scales: [
      // calculates horizontal stack positioning
      name: x
      type: band
      range: width
      domain: ["stk1", "stk2", "stk3"]
      paddingOuter: 0.05
      paddingInner: 0.95
      // this scale goes up as high as the highest y1 value of all nodes
      name: y
      type: linear
      range: height
      domain: {data: "nodes", field: "y1"}
      // use rawData to ensure the colors stay the same when clicking.
      name: color
      type: ordinal
      range: category
      domain: {data: "rawData", fields: ["stk1", "stk2", "stk3"]}
      // this scale is used to map internal ids (stk1, stk2) to stack names
      name: stackNames
      type: ordinal
      range: ["Origin", "Carrier", "Destination"]
      domain: ["stk1", "stk2", "stk3"]
  axes: [
      // x axis should use custom label formatting to print proper stack names
      orient: bottom
      scale: x
      encode: {
        labels: {
          update: {
            text: {scale: "stackNames", field: "value"}
    {orient: "left", scale: "y"}
  marks: [
      // draw the connecting line between stacks
      type: path
      name: edgeMark
      from: {data: "edges"}
      // this prevents some autosizing issues with large strokeWidth for paths
      clip: true
      encode: {
        update: {
          // By default use color of the left node, except when showing traffic
          // from just one country, in which case use destination color.
          stroke: [
              test: groupSelector && groupSelector.stack=='stk1'
              scale: color
              field: stk1
            {scale: "color", field: "stk1"}
          strokeWidth: {field: "strokeWidth"}
          path: {field: "path"}
          // when showing all traffic, and hovering over a country,
          // highlight the traffic from that country.
          strokeOpacity: {
            signal: !groupSelector && (groupHover.stk1 == datum.stk1 || groupHover.stk2 == datum.stk2 || groupHover.stk3 == datum.stk3) ? 0.9 : 0.3
          // Ensure that the hover-selected edges show on top
          zindex: {
            signal: !groupSelector && (groupHover.stk1 == datum.stk1 || groupHover.stk2 == datum.stk2 || groupHover.stk3 == datum.stk3) ? 1 : 0
          // format tooltip string
          tooltip: {
            signal: datum.stk1 + ' → ' + datum.stk2 + '    ' + format(datum.size, ',.0f') + '   (' + format(datum.percentage, '.1%') + ')'
        // Simple mouseover highlighting of a single line
        hover: {
          strokeOpacity: {value: 1}
      // draw the connecting line between stacks
      type: path
      name: edgeMark2
      from: {data: "edges2"}
      // this prevents some autosizing issues with large strokeWidth for paths
      clip: true
      encode: {
        update: {
          // By default use color of the left node, except when showing traffic
          // from just one country, in which case use destination color.
          stroke: [
              test: groupSelector && groupSelector.stack=='stk2'
              scale: color
              field: stk2
            {scale: "color", field: "stk2"}
          strokeWidth: {field: "strokeWidth"}
          path: {field: "path"}
          // when showing all traffic, and hovering over a country,
          // highlight the traffic from that country.
          strokeOpacity: {
            signal: !groupSelector && (groupHover.stk1 == datum.stk1 || groupHover.stk2 == datum.stk2 || groupHover.stk3 == datum.stk3) ? 0.9 : 0.3
          // Ensure that the hover-selected edges show on top
          zindex: {
            signal: !groupSelector && (groupHover.stk1 == datum.stk1 || groupHover.stk2 == datum.stk2 || groupHover.stk3 == datum.stk3) ? 1 : 0
          // format tooltip string
          tooltip: {
            signal: datum.stk2 + ' → ' + datum.stk3 + '    ' + format(datum.size, ',.0f') + '   (' + format(datum.percentage, '.1%') + ')'
        // Simple mouseover highlighting of a single line
        hover: {
          strokeOpacity: {value: 1}
      // draw stack groups (countries)
      type: rect
      name: groupMark
      from: {data: "groups"}
      encode: {
        enter: {
          fill: {scale: "color", field: "grpId"}
          width: {scale: "x", band: 1}
        update: {
          x: {scale: "x", field: "stack"}
          y: {field: "scaledY0"}
          y2: {field: "scaledY1"}
          fillOpacity: {value: 0.6}
          tooltip: {
            signal: datum.grpId + '   ' + format(, ',.0f') + '   (' + format(datum.percentage, '.1%') + ')'
        hover: {
          fillOpacity: {value: 1}
      // draw country code labels on the inner side of the stack
      type: text
      from: {data: "groups"}
      // don't process events for the labels - otherwise line mouseover is unclean
      interactive: false
      encode: {
        update: {
          // depending on which stack it is, position x with some padding
          x: {
            signal: scale('x', datum.stack) + (datum.rightLabel ? bandwidth('x') + 8 : -8)
          // middle of the group
          yc: {signal: "(datum.scaledY0 + datum.scaledY1)/2"}
          align: {signal: "datum.rightLabel ? 'left' : 'right'"}
          baseline: {value: "middle"}
          fontWeight: {value: "bold"}
          fill: {value: "white"}
          // only show text label if the group's height is large enough
          text: {signal: "abs(datum.scaledY0-datum.scaledY1) > 13 ? datum.grpId : ''"}
      // Create a "show all" button. Shown only when a country is selected.
      type: group
      data: [
        // We need to make the button show only when groupSelector signal is true.
        // Each mark is drawn as many times as there are elements in the backing data.
        // Which means that if values list is empty, it will not be drawn.
        // Here I create a data source with one empty object, and filter that list
        // based on the signal value. This can only be done in a group.
          name: dataForShowAll
          values: [{}]
          transform: [{type: "filter", expr: "groupSelector"}]
      // Set button size and positioning
      encode: {
        enter: {
          xc: {signal: "width/2"}
          y: {value: 30}
          width: {value: 80}
          height: {value: 30}
      marks: [
          // This group is shown as a button with rounded corners.
          type: group
          // mark name allows signal capturing
          name: groupReset
          // Only shows button if dataForShowAll has values.
          from: {data: "dataForShowAll"}
          encode: {
            enter: {
              cornerRadius: {value: 6}
              fill: {value: "#f5f5f5"}
              stroke: {value: "#c1c1c1"}
              strokeWidth: {value: 2}
              // use parent group's size
              height: {
                field: {group: "height"}
              width: {
                field: {group: "width"}
            update: {
              // groups are transparent by default
              opacity: {value: 1}
            hover: {
              opacity: {value: 0.7}
          marks: [
              type: text
              // if true, it will prevent clicking on the button when over text.
              interactive: false
              encode: {
                enter: {
                  // center text in the paren group
                  xc: {
                    field: {group: "width"}
                    mult: 0.5
                  yc: {
                    field: {group: "height"}
                    mult: 0.5
                    offset: 2
                  align: {value: "center"}
                  baseline: {value: "middle"}
                  fontWeight: {value: "bold"}
                  text: {value: "Show All"}
  signals: [
      // used to highlight traffic to/from the same country
      name: groupHover
      value: {}
      on: [
          events: @groupMark:mouseover
          update: "{stk1:datum.stack=='stk1' && datum.grpId, stk2:datum.stack=='stk2' && datum.grpId, stk3:datum.stack=='stk3' && datum.grpId}"
        {events: "mouseout", update: "{}"}
    // used to filter only the data related to the selected country
      name: groupSelector
      value: false
      on: [
          // Clicking groupMark sets this signal to the filter values
          events: @groupMark:click!
          update: "{stack:datum.stack, stk1:datum.stack=='stk1' && datum.grpId, stk2:datum.stack=='stk2' && datum.grpId, stk3:datum.stack=='stk3' && datum.grpId}"
          // Clicking "show all" button, or double-clicking anywhere resets it
          events: [
            {type: "click", markname: "groupReset"}
            {type: "dblclick"}
          update: "false"
1 Like

I got this solved. I messed around with the sorting and it now lines up on the center node.

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Hello, can you put please the whole corrected code here ? Thank you

@m.hanna says

I am not sure how to update this old post, but this is what I have been sending to anyone that asks:

What I ended up doing was to get rid of sortField from the nodes transform and just sorted the stack by grpID. This changes the stack to be sorted in ascending order instead of descending order (a-z from the bottom instead of the top), but the center nodes then line up and it works fine for our use. Getting rid of the sortField also means that you only need 1 nodes and 1 groups stanza. Sorry if I am not explaining this right, I am really new to Vega and I figured most of this out by trial and error.
Here is the code that ended up working:

  data: [
      // query ES based on the currently selected time range and filter string
      name: rawData
      url: {
        %context%: true
        %timefield%: timestamp
        index: kibana_sample_data_flights
        body: {
          size: 0
          aggs: {
            table: {
              composite: {
                size: 50
                sources: [
                    stk1: {
                      terms: {field: "OriginCityName"}
                    stk2: {
                      terms: {field: "Carrier"}
                    stk3: {
                      terms: {field: "DestCityName"}
      // From the result, take just the data we are interested in
      format: {property: "aggregations.table.buckets"}
      // Convert key.stk1 -> stk1 for simpler access below
      transform: [
        {type: "formula", expr: "datum.key.stk1", as: "stk1"}
        {type: "formula", expr: "datum.key.stk2", as: "stk2"}
        {type: "formula", expr: "datum.key.stk3", as: "stk3"}
        {type: "formula", expr: "datum.doc_count", as: "size"}
      name: nodes
      source: rawData
      transform: [
        // when a country is selected, filter out unrelated data
          type: filter
          expr: !groupSelector || groupSelector.stk1 == datum.stk1 || groupSelector.stk2 == datum.stk2 || groupSelector.stk3 == datum.stk3
        // Set new key for later lookups - identifies each node
        {type: "formula", expr: "datum.stk1+datum.stk2+datum.stk3", as: "key"}

        // instead of each table row, create two new rows,
        // one for the source (stack=stk1) and one for destination node (stack=stk2).
        // The country code stored in stk1 and stk2 fields is placed into grpId field.
          type: fold
          fields: ["stk1", "stk2", "stk3"]
          as: ["stack", "grpId"]
        // Calculate y0 and y1 positions for stacking nodes one on top of the other,
        // independently for each stack, and ensuring they are in the proper order,
        // alphabetical from the top (reversed on the y axis)
          type: stack
          groupby: ["stack"]
          sort: {field: "grpId"}
          field: size
        // calculate vertical center point for each node, used to draw edges
        {type: "formula", expr: "(datum.y0+datum.y1)/2", as: "yc"}
      name: groups
      source: nodes
      transform: [
        // combine all nodes into country groups, summing up the doc counts
          type: aggregate
          groupby: ["stack", "grpId"]
          fields: ["size"]
          ops: ["sum"]
          as: ["total"]
        // re-calculate the stacking y0,y1 values
          type: stack
          groupby: ["stack"]
          sort: {field: "grpId", order: "null"}
          field: total
        // project y0 and y1 values to screen coordinates
        // doing it once here instead of doing it several times in marks
        {type: "formula", expr: "scale('y', datum.y0)", as: "scaledY0"}
        {type: "formula", expr: "scale('y', datum.y1)", as: "scaledY1"}
        // boolean flag if the label should be on the right of the stack
        // {type: "formula", expr: "datum.stack == 'stk3'", as: "rightLabel"}
        {type: "formula", expr: "datum.stack == 'stk1'", as: "rightLabel"}
        // Calculate traffic percentage for this country using "y" scale
        // domain upper bound, which represents the total traffic
          type: formula
          as: percentage
      // This is a temp lookup table with all the 'stk2' stack nodes
      name: destinationNodes
      source: nodes
      transform: [
        {type: "filter", expr: "datum.stack == 'stk2'"}
      // This is a temp lookup table with all the 'stk3' stack nodes
      name: destinationNodes2
      source: nodes
      transform: [
        {type: "filter", expr: "datum.stack == 'stk3'"}
      name: edges
      source: nodes
      transform: [
        // we only want nodes from the left stack
        {type: "filter", expr: "datum.stack == 'stk1'"}
        // find corresponding node from the right stack, keep it as "target"
          type: lookup
          from: destinationNodes
          key: key
          fields: ["key"]
          as: ["target"]
        // calculate SVG link path between stk1 and stk2 stacks for the node pair
          type: linkpath
          orient: horizontal
          sourceY: {expr: "scale('y', datum.yc)"}
          sourceX: {expr: "scale('x', 'stk1') + bandwidth('x')"}
          targetY: {expr: "scale('y',"}
          targetX: {expr: "scale('x', 'stk2')"}
        // A little trick to calculate the thickness of the line.
        // The value needs to be the same as the hight of the node, but scaling
        // size to screen's height gives inversed value because screen's Y
        // coordinate goes from the top to the bottom, whereas the graph's Y=0
        // is at the bottom. So subtracting scaled doc count from screen height
        // (which is the "lower" bound of the "y" scale) gives us the right value
          type: formula
          expr: range('y')[0]-scale('y', datum.size)
          as: strokeWidth
        // Tooltip needs individual link's percentage of all traffic
          type: formula
          expr: datum.size/domain('y')[1]
          as: percentage
      name: edges2
      source: nodes
      transform: [
        // we only want nodes from the left stack
        {type: "filter", expr: "datum.stack == 'stk2'"}
        // find corresponding node from the right stack, keep it as "target"
          type: lookup
          from: destinationNodes2
          key: key
          fields: ["key"]
          as: ["target"]
        // calculate SVG link path between stk2 and stk3 stacks for the node pair
          type: linkpath
          orient: horizontal
          shape: diagonal
          sourceY: {expr: "scale('y', datum.yc)"}
          sourceX: {expr: "scale('x', 'stk2') + bandwidth('x')"}
          targetY: {expr: "scale('y',"}
          targetX: {expr: "scale('x', 'stk3')"}
        // A little trick to calculate the thickness of the line.
        // The value needs to be the same as the hight of the node, but scaling
        // size to screen's height gives inversed value because screen's Y
        // coordinate goes from the top to the bottom, whereas the graph's Y=0
        // is at the bottom. So subtracting scaled doc count from screen height
        // (which is the "lower" bound of the "y" scale) gives us the right value
          type: formula
          expr: range('y')[0]-scale('y', datum.size)
          as: strokeWidth
        // Tooltip needs individual link's percentage of all traffic
          type: formula
          expr: datum.size/domain('y')[1]
          as: percentage
  scales: [
      // calculates horizontal stack positioning
      name: x
      type: band
      range: width
      domain: ["stk1", "stk2", "stk3"]
      paddingOuter: 0.05
      paddingInner: 0.95
      // this scale goes up as high as the highest y1 value of all nodes
      name: y
      type: linear
      range: height
      domain: {data: "nodes", field: "y1"}
      // use rawData to ensure the colors stay the same when clicking.
      name: color
      type: ordinal
      range: category
      domain: {data: "rawData", fields: ["stk1", "stk2", "stk3"]}
      // this scale is used to map internal ids (stk1, stk2) to stack names
      name: stackNames
      type: ordinal
      range: ["Origin", "Carrier", "Destination"]
      domain: ["stk1", "stk2", "stk3"]
  axes: [
      // x axis should use custom label formatting to print proper stack names
      orient: bottom
      scale: x
      encode: {
        labels: {
          update: {
            text: {scale: "stackNames", field: "value"}
    {orient: "left", scale: "y"}
  marks: [
      // draw the connecting line between stacks
      type: path
      name: edgeMark
      from: {data: "edges"}
      // this prevents some autosizing issues with large strokeWidth for paths
      clip: true
      encode: {
        update: {
          // By default use color of the left node, except when showing traffic
          // from just one country, in which case use destination color.
          stroke: [
              test: groupSelector && groupSelector.stack=='stk1'
              scale: color
              field: stk2
            {scale: "color", field: "stk1"}
          strokeWidth: {field: "strokeWidth"}
          path: {field: "path"}
          // when showing all traffic, and hovering over a country,
          // highlight the traffic from that country.
          strokeOpacity: {
            signal: !groupSelector && (groupHover.stk1 == datum.stk1 || groupHover.stk2 == datum.stk2 || groupHover.stk3 == datum.stk3) ? 0.9 : 0.3
          // Ensure that the hover-selected edges show on top
          zindex: {
            signal: !groupSelector && (groupHover.stk1 == datum.stk1 || groupHover.stk2 == datum.stk2 || groupHover.stk3 == datum.stk3) ? 1 : 0
          // format tooltip string
          tooltip: {
            signal: datum.stk1 + ' → ' + datum.stk2 + '    ' + format(datum.size, ',.0f') + '   (' + format(datum.percentage, '.1%') + ')'
        // Simple mouseover highlighting of a single line
        hover: {
          strokeOpacity: {value: 1}
      // draw the connecting line between stacks
      type: path
      name: edgeMark2
      from: {data: "edges2"}
      // this prevents some autosizing issues with large strokeWidth for paths
      clip: true
      encode: {
        update: {
          // By default use color of the left node, except when showing traffic
          // from just one country, in which case use destination color.
          stroke: [
              test: groupSelector && groupSelector.stack=='stk2'
              scale: color
              field: stk3
            {scale: "color", field: "stk2"}
          strokeWidth: {field: "strokeWidth"}
          path: {field: "path"}
          // when showing all traffic, and hovering over a country,
          // highlight the traffic from that country.
          strokeOpacity: {
            signal: !groupSelector && (groupHover.stk1 == datum.stk1 || groupHover.stk2 == datum.stk2 || groupHover.stk3 == datum.stk3) ? 0.9 : 0.3
          // Ensure that the hover-selected edges show on top
          zindex: {
            signal: !groupSelector && (groupHover.stk1 == datum.stk1 || groupHover.stk2 == datum.stk2 || groupHover.stk3 == datum.stk3) ? 1 : 0
          // format tooltip string
          tooltip: {
            signal: datum.stk2 + ' → ' + datum.stk3 + '    ' + format(datum.size, ',.0f') + '   (' + format(datum.percentage, '.1%') + ')'
        // Simple mouseover highlighting of a single line
        hover: {
          strokeOpacity: {value: 1}
      // draw stack groups (countries)
      type: rect
      name: groupMark
      from: {data: "groups"}
      encode: {
        enter: {
          fill: {scale: "color", field: "grpId"}
          width: {scale: "x", band: 1}
          stroke: {scale: "color", field: "grpId"}
        update: {
          x: {scale: "x", field: "stack"}
          y: {field: "scaledY0"}
          y2: {field: "scaledY1"}
          fillOpacity: {value: 0.6}
          tooltip: {
            signal: datum.grpId + '   ' + format(, ',.0f') + '   (' + format(datum.percentage, '.1%') + ')'
        hover: {
          fillOpacity: {value: 1}
      // draw country code labels on the inner side of the stack
      type: text
      from: {data: "groups"}
      // don't process events for the labels - otherwise line mouseover is unclean
      interactive: false
      encode: {
        update: {
          // depending on which stack it is, position x with some padding
          x: {
            signal: scale('x', datum.stack) + (datum.rightLabel ? bandwidth('x') + 8 : -8)
          // middle of the group
          yc: {signal: "(datum.scaledY0 + datum.scaledY1)/2"}
          align: {signal: "datum.rightLabel ? 'left' : 'right'"}
          baseline: {value: "middle"}
          fontWeight: {value: "bold"}
          fill: {value: "white"}
          // only show text label if the group's height is large enough
          text: {signal: "abs(datum.scaledY0-datum.scaledY1) > 13 ? datum.grpId : ''"}
      // Create a "show all" button. Shown only when a country is selected.
      type: group
      data: [
        // We need to make the button show only when groupSelector signal is true.
        // Each mark is drawn as many times as there are elements in the backing data.
        // Which means that if values list is empty, it will not be drawn.
        // Here I create a data source with one empty object, and filter that list
        // based on the signal value. This can only be done in a group.
          name: dataForShowAll
          values: [{}]
          transform: [{type: "filter", expr: "groupSelector"}]
      // Set button size and positioning
      encode: {
        enter: {
          xc: {signal: "width/2"}
          y: {value: 30}
          width: {value: 80}
          height: {value: 30}
      marks: [
          // This group is shown as a button with rounded corners.
          type: group
          // mark name allows signal capturing
          name: groupReset
          // Only shows button if dataForShowAll has values.
          from: {data: "dataForShowAll"}
          encode: {
            enter: {
              cornerRadius: {value: 6}
              fill: {value: "#f5f5f5"}
              stroke: {value: "#c1c1c1"}
              strokeWidth: {value: 2}
              // use parent group's size
              height: {
                field: {group: "height"}
              width: {
                field: {group: "width"}
            update: {
              // groups are transparent by default
              opacity: {value: 1}
            hover: {
              opacity: {value: 0.7}
          marks: [
              type: text
              // if true, it will prevent clicking on the button when over text.
              interactive: false
              encode: {
                enter: {
                  // center text in the paren group
                  xc: {
                    field: {group: "width"}
                    mult: 0.5
                  yc: {
                    field: {group: "height"}
                    mult: 0.5
                    offset: 2
                  align: {value: "center"}
                  baseline: {value: "middle"}
                  fontWeight: {value: "bold"}
                  text: {value: "Show All"}
  signals: [
      // used to highlight traffic to/from the same country
      name: groupHover
      value: {}
      on: [
          events: @groupMark:mouseover
          update: "{stk1:datum.stack=='stk1' && datum.grpId, stk2:datum.stack=='stk2' && datum.grpId, stk3:datum.stack=='stk3' && datum.grpId}"
        {events: "mouseout", update: "{}"}
    // used to filter only the data related to the selected country
      name: groupSelector
      value: false
      on: [
          // Clicking groupMark sets this signal to the filter values
          events: @groupMark:click!
          update: "{stack:datum.stack, stk1:datum.stack=='stk1' && datum.grpId, stk2:datum.stack=='stk2' && datum.grpId, stk3:datum.stack=='stk3' && datum.grpId}"
          // Clicking "show all" button, or double-clicking anywhere resets it
          events: [
            {type: "click", markname: "groupReset"}
            {type: "dblclick"}
          update: "false"