Multiple filter (OR) in Lucene

hi all !
i'm trying to filter data with Lucene. I wish filtered the data having 2 fields exists.
I tried with this code but it doesn't work :

  "query": {
    "bool" : {
		"must": {
			"exists": {
				"field": "total",
				"field": "machine"

Is it possible to do this ?

I think this should be something like:

  "query": {
    "bool" : {
		"must": [{
			"exists": {
				"field": "total"
			"exists": {
				"field": "machine"

Thank you David,
In fact, this generate an AND request. I want simply an OR type request :slight_smile:

Change must by should :blush:

Argh! Of course ! That works correctly now :smile:
Sorry and thank you a lot.