"Multiple mapping types and custom mapping types in index templates" issue when upgrading to v8

Hi folks,

We are in the process of upgrading ELK stack from version 7.17.2 to 8.9.2. When going through the list of Elasticsearch deprecation issues I spotted the below in Prod: (not seen in non-prod)

Multiple mapping types and custom mapping types in index templates and indices are deprecated
Update or remove the following index templates before upgrading to 8.0: [.monitoring-alerts-2, .monitoring-data-2, .monitoring-es-2, .monitoring-kibana-2, .monitoring-logstash-2, .watch-history-6, .watch-history-7]. 
See https://ela.st/es-deprecation-7-removal-of-types for alternatives to mapping types.

However, I can neither find any index templates nor indices matching the above. Where is this being reported from !!

Can someone please advice if I can go ahead with the upgrade, will it cause problem in starting elasticsearch application ? I cannot try this in non-prod as it did not report this problem.

Thank you

Apparently the index templates were available in dev tools.

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