I have created the following index:
$result = $es->create_index(
index => 'messages',
settings => {
number_of_shards => 20,
number_of_replicas => 1,
analysis => {
analyzer => {
email => {
tokenizer => 'uax_url_email',
filter => ['standard', 'lowercase']
mappings => {
search => {
properties => {
header_size => { type => 'integer', index
=> 'no' },
message_size => { type => 'integer', index
=> 'no' },
compressed_size => { type => 'integer',
index => 'no' },
compressed => { type => 'boolean', index =>
'no' },
sender => { type => 'string', analyzer =>
'email' },
recipients => { type => 'string', analyzer
=> 'email', index_name => 'recipient' },
date => { type => 'date' },
subject => { type => 'string' },
from => { type => 'string', analyzer =>
'email' },
to => { type => 'string', index => 'no' },
cc => { type => 'string', index => 'no' },
header => {
properties => {
content => { type => 'binary' }
full => {
properties => {
content => { type => 'binary' }
and I can perform the following search just fine:
my $results = $es->search(
'sort' => [
'date' => 'desc'
'index' => 'messages',
'fields' => [
'from' => '0',
'query' => {
'constant_score' => {
'filter' => {
'and' => [
'term' => {
'subject' => 'hello'
'term' => {
'recipient' => 'jdevine555@rapidnet.com'
'track_scores' => 0,
'type' => 'search',
'size' => '20'
with the following results:
$VAR1 = {
'hits' => {
'hits' => [
'sort' => [
'_score' => undef,
'fields' => {
'to' => '
jdevine555@rapidnet.com ',
'message_size' => 1997,
'subject' => 'hello there
'date' => '1343069700',
'from' => 'James Devine <
gwisvalyou555@valyou.net> '
'_index' => 'messages',
'_id' =>
'_type' => 'search'
'sort' => [
'_score' => undef,
'fields' => {
'to' => '<
jdevine555@rapidnet.com> ',
'message_size' => 39296,
'subject' => 'Re: hello ',
'date' => '1328745866',
'from' => 'James Devine <
fxmulder@gmail.com> '
'_index' => 'messages',
'_id' =>
'_type' => 'search'
'sort' => [
'_score' => undef,
'fields' => {
'to' => '
jdevine555@rapidnet.com ',
'message_size' => 578,
'subject' => 'hello ',
'date' => '1328032551',
'from' => 'Gwisenet <
gwisenet555@enetis.net> '
'_index' => 'messages',
'_id' =>
'_type' => 'search'
'max_score' => undef,
'total' => 3
'timed_out' => bless( do{(my $o = 0)}, 'JSON::XS::Boolean' ),
'_shards' => {
'failed' => 0,
'successful' => 20,
'total' => 20
'took' => 179
but when I try to add a second subject search term it does not seem to
match anymore even though it should match one of the returned items above:
my $results = $es->search(
'sort' => [
'date' => 'desc'
'index' => 'messages',
'fields' => [
'from' => '0',
'query' => {
'constant_score' => {
'filter' => {
'and' => [
'term' => {
'subject' => 'hello'
'term' => {
'subject' => 'there'
'term' => {
'recipient' => 'jdevine555@rapidnet.com'
'track_scores' => 0,
'type' => 'search',
'size' => '20'
This used to work on another install of elasticsearch but doesn't seem to
anymore, any idea what I might be doing wrong?