Multiple timepickers in Canvas


Is there a way for multiple timepickers to exist within the one Workpad in Canvas?

For example having two graphs, both with its own time period


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Yes, that's possible, you just have to name the "filterGroup":

Time picker 1:

timefilterControl compact=true column=@timestamp filterGroup="a"
| render

Time picker 2:

timefilterControl compact=true column=@timestamp filterGroup="b"
| render

Vis 1:

filters group="a"
  | essql. ..

Vis 2:

filters group="b"
  | essql. ..

I have done this using different time pickers on several pages of my workpad, however it appears that while in non-editable mode, only the first time picker used will work and all others remain "stale". On other pages, while I can see the red line indicating operation in progress, there is no data returned nor is the chosen time period displayed. Going back to the page where the first time picker was used, I can change the time picker and it works. I am using ELK 7.5.2. What could this be?

@ztt I'm not seeing the same behaviour in 7.6.1 so your issue could be fixed in a later release

I believe this is the bug you are experiencing:

It should be fixed in >= 7.5.2, not sure why you are still experiencing it.

thanks for all your feedback. the described behavior on issue 43565 indeed comes very close to what we are experiencing, with the only difference that we are not using full screen mode.

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