Multiple value, multiple fields

Hi team,

below is my query:

POST /news/bursa/_search { "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "match": { "category": "30" } } , { "multi_match": { "terms": ["company report","announement quote" ], "fields": [ "stkno", "tag" ,"content" ,"htext" ] } } , { "range": { "CDate": { "gte": "2017-01-01" , "lte": "2017-06-03T23:59:59" } } } ],"should": [ { "match": { "category": "30" } } , { "multi_match": { "query": ["price" ], "fields": [ "stkno", "tag" ,"content" ,"htext" ] } } , { "range": { "CDate": { "gte": "2017-01-01" , "lte": "2017-06-03T23:59:59" } } } ] } }, "size": 500, "sort": [ { "CDate": { "order": "desc" } } ] }

I need multiple value and fields in 'must' condition. but elasticsearch return error [match] query does not support [terms]]. How should i do?


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