Must query error working to match two terms

my elastic search result is....
string_facet": [
"facet-value": "puma",
"facet-name": "brand"
"facet-value": "amazon",
"facet-name": "site"

query not working....
nested": {
"path": "search_data.string_facet",
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"search_data.string_facet.facet-name": "puma"
"term": {
"search_data.string_facet.facet-value": "amazon"

Can you kindly tell me how I can check puma And amazon only show not I kept these things inside of must...but its not working....I want AND operator so I kept inside of the must.

Hope to hear from you soon.

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