Mutate only matching

I'd like to "extract" some fields from a specific kind of log and convert them to the right type.
I can do that when all logs pass the match but in this case the logs I'm getting have different formats.
So I would like to let the ones not matching go through ( without failing, like if there was no "filter" at all) and only mutate the matching ones.
Now the ones not matching give error and don't go through.

filter {
    grok {
       match => { "message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:ih_timestamp} %{WORD:name} (?<component>\w+\[\d+\]\:) *"}
    date {
      match => [ "ih_timestamp", "ISO8601"]
      target => "@timestamp"
      remove_field => [ "ih_timestamp" ]

    kv {
       field_split => ", "

    mutate {
       convert => { "duration" => "integer" }
       convert => { "bytes" => "integer" }

Thanks for any help.

Grok failures never cause events to get dropped (unless you explicitly configure Logstash that way). The only consequence of a grok failure is that the event is tagged _grokparsefailure, but that behavior can be influenced with the tag_on_failure option.

Thanks for replying,
I added:
tag_on_failure => []

So am I right to assume that if the matching pattern is not met then the rest of the pipeline is skipped (kv, mutate) ?

So am I right to assume that if the matching pattern is not met then the rest of the pipeline is skipped

I repeat: The only consequence of a grok failure is that the event is tagged _grokparsefailure, but that behavior can be influenced with the tag_on_failure option. The rest of the pipeline is not skipped.

Thanks again,
and what if I wanted to skip kv, and mutate when logs are not matching in grok ?

There's an example here:

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