Mutate timestamp for nginx logs

Continuing the discussion from Keep Logstash from Crashing:

@dedemorton gave a workaround that prevents logstash from crashing, but i end up with a read-timestamp field with the literal string value "@timestamp" in the read_timestamp field.

So I am using this:

  mutate {
      add_field => { "stashed_time" => "%{[@timestamp]}" }
    date {
      match => [ "[nginx][access][time]", "dd/MMM/YYYY:H:m:s Z" ]

Was this a syntax change from 5.6 to 6.0.0 ? ( I am running 6.0.0-rc1 )

end up with a read-timestamp field with the literal string value "@timestamp" in the read_timestamp field.

Do you mean stashed_time field?

Hey @magnusbaeck, no my code with stashed_time is working fine.

I had the problem when I tried the suggestion that I referenced from the old thread:

mutate {
      add_field => { "read_timestamp" => "@timestamp" }

I am continuing the thread now, to offer a solution that seems to work with 6.0 and to ask if there was a syntax change from 5.6.

Either way, this indicates that the docs need an update, as they are renaming the @timestamp field without adding a new field - which can lead to "no timestamp field errors"

I see that you also engaged in the previous thread, @magnusbaeck... In general, do you recommend to remove the date from the default index?

Thanks for the help, still finding my way into the world of ELK+beats

  add_field => { "read_timestamp" => "@timestamp" }

Yeah, this won't work. You need %{@timestamp} or the equivalent %{[@timestamp]}.

Either way, this indicates that the docs need an update, as they are renaming the @timestamp field without adding a new field - which can lead to "no timestamp field errors"

Yes, that's a documentation bug.

In general, do you recommend to remove the date from the default index?

I recommend keeping the @timestamp field but making sure that it contains the timestamp when the event occurred.

Great! that was my instinct as well.

This code grok, mutate, date seems to accomplish that:

  if [type] == "nginx-access" {
    grok {
      match => { "message" => ["%{IPORHOST:[nginx][access][remote_ip]} - %{DATA:[nginx][access][user_name]} \[%{DATA:[nginx][access][time]}\] \"%{WORD:[nginx][access][method]} %{DATA:[nginx][access][url]} HTTP/%{NUMBER:[nginx][access][http_version]}\" %{NUMBER:[nginx][access][response_code]} %{NUMBER:[nginx][access][body_sent][bytes]} \"%{DATA:[nginx][access][referrer]}\" \"%{DATA:[nginx][access][agent]}\""] }
    mutate {
      add_field => { "stashed_time" => "%{[@timestamp]}" }
    date {
      match => [ "[nginx][access][time]", "dd/MMM/YYYY:H:m:s Z" ]

Any recommendations for improvement?

Yes, don't use the DATA pattern so much. Logstash ships with predefined patterns for HTTP logs and you can use them for inspiration.

Yes, sorry about the confusion. The example should have been add_field => { "read_timestamp" => "%{@timestamp}" }

I've already fixed the issue in 6.0 (update will be published soon) and will backport the change to 5.6.

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