Replace my @timestamp

I have a log that looks like this "2016-02-02 14:52:18" , and I want to replace my @timestamp, I tried different ways but none works. I have read many entries but I didn´t find a solution.
Actually im trying with this filter

add_field =>{"data" => "%{year}-%{month}-%{day} %{time}"}
match => ["data", "YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"]
target => "@timestamp"

My logstash console shows this "@timestamp" => "2016-02-02T14:05:30.000Z",

thanks in advance.

Please show a complete example message from a stdout { codec => rubydebug } output.

     "@version" => "1",
   **"@timestamp" => "2016-02-03T10:02:40.000Z",**
         "type" => "adobelog",
         "host" => "*******",
  "clientstate" => "connect-continue",
       "status" => "connect",
       "stream" => "continue",
     "category" => "session",
    **"timestamp" => "2016-02-03 11:02:40",**
         "year" => "2016",
        "month" => "02",
          "day" => "03",
         "time" => "11:02:40",
     "timezone" => "CET",
       "ipHost" => "********",
         "spid" => 16012,
      "cpuload" => 0,
  "memoryusage" => "2",
          "app" => "vod",
  "appinstance" => "_definst_",
"eventduration" => 0,
     "clientip" => "********",
         "port" => [
    [0] "1935",
    [1] "1935"
     "referrer" => "*****"
    "useragent" => "WIN 20,0,0,286",
           "os" => "WIN",
      "scBytes" => 3646

I want to replace my @timestamp with the value of timestamp and I´m generating the timestamp value with the logstash filter

      add_field =>{"timestamp" => "%{year}-%{month}-%{day} %{time} +0100"}

And I tried

      match => ["timestamp", "YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z"]
      target => "@timestamp"

And in other case with **"timestamp" => "2016-02-03 11:02:40",** I tried

      match => ["timestamp", "YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"]
      timezone => "Europe/Madrid" 
      target => "@timestamp"

thanks in advance.

@timestamp is UTC and timestamp is CET. That's why there's a one-hour difference. Everything looks fine.


Oh god!, I wanted to do that because I wanted to load historical logs, and I forgot to check this loading new data from a old log. I checked it, and works! =)

Thanks for everything.