Need help designing index & mapping (Great Type Refactoring)

Hello there,

I have multiple data series which are inter-related, I am not sure how to logically club this and design index and mapping for below:

      series-1: webtraffic with fields {count, response time}
      series-2: visists with fields { username, ip, ..}
      series-3: transactions with fileds {name, count, response, percentile..}

      series-1: webtraffic with fields {count, response time}
      series-2: visists with fields { username, ip, ..}
      series-3: transactions with fileds {name, count, response, percentile..}
      series-4: somethings...

I wanted to have index created for each application and club the series under indexes as types. But as of ES-7.x, this is deprecated. Then how can i do this?


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