Trying to fetch JSON data sent from client (React JS) - kibana coreStart http post method(Client Side) to kibana irouter post method (at server end)
My code looks like below :
Client Side :
const dataToSend = {
title: 'Test Title',
description: 'Testing alert creation through the API',
const handleSubmit = async (event: React.FormEvent) => {
// Include fs module
// var fs = require('fs');
try {
const response = await fetch('/api/test_plug2/example', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify(dataToSend),
if (response.ok) {
console.log('Data sent successfully');
} else {
console.error('Error sending data:', response.statusText);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error sending data:', error);
Server Side :
import { IRouter } from '../../../../core/server';
import { schema } from '@kbn/config-schema';
export function defineRoutes(router: IRouter) {
path: '/api/test_plug2/example',
validate: {
body: schema.object({
// Define your JSON schema here
// Example: title, description, tags, etc.
title: schema.string(),
description: schema.string(),
async (context, request, response) => {
// Handle the incoming JSON data here
const { body } = request;
// Process the data and perform necessary actions
// ...
return response.ok({ body: 'Data received successfully' });
But I am facing below error for now :
Using default behavior (code as below) I am able to capture data on client side,
But I want it exactly apposite, i.e. want to sent JSON data from client which should appear on server ( I am using post method for the same).
Server Side :
import { IRouter } from '../../../../core/server';
export function defineRoutes(router: IRouter) {
path: '/api/my_test_plug/example',
validate: false,
async (context, request, response) => {
return response.ok({
body: {
// time: new Date().toISOString(),
time: 'sunil'
Client Side :
export const MyTestPlugApp = ({ basename, notifications, http, navigation }: MyTestPlugAppDeps) => {
// Use React hooks to manage state.
const [timestamp, setTimestamp] = useState<string | undefined>();
const onClickHandler = () => {
// Use the core http service to make a response to the server API.
http.get('/api/my_test_plug/example').then((res) => {
// Use the core notifications service to display a success message.
i18n.translate('myTestPlug.dataUpdated', {
defaultMessage: 'Data updated',
this has been resolved, success code is as below :
Server Side :
import { IRouter } from '../../../../core/server';
import { schema } from '@kbn/config-schema';
export function defineRoutes(router: IRouter) {
path: '/api/my_test_plug/example',
validate: {
body: schema.object({
// Define your JSON schema here
// Example: title, description, tags, etc.
title: schema.string(),
description: schema.string(),
async (context, request, response) => {
const { body } = request;
return response.ok({ body: `Where's my post data?` });
Client Side :
export const MyTestPlugApp = ({ basename, notifications, http, navigation }: MyTestPlugAppDeps) => {
// Use React hooks to manage state.
const dataToSend = {
title: 'Test Title',
description: 'Testing alert creation through the API',
const onClickHandler = async () => {
await'/api/my_test_plug/example', { body: JSON.stringify(dataToSend) });
// Use the core notifications service to display a success message.
i18n.translate('myTestPlug.dataUpdated', {
defaultMessage: 'Data updated',