Hey, guys. Thanks for reading. I have logs coming from a Windows event, pulled in by logstash-forwarder and sent to Logstash, where it is then sent to Elasticsearch 2.0.
I have an input as follows:
tcp { codec => json_lines port => 5100 type => "eventlog" }
And a filter:
grok { match => [ "Message", "TransactionID=%{UUID:TransactionID},TransactionRole=%{WORD:TransactionRole},TransactionType=%{WORD:TransactionType},ModalityName=%{WORD:ModalityName},SystemName=%{WORD:SystemName},RequestTimestamp=%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:RequestTimestamp},Duration=%{BASE10NUM:Duration}" ] }
And an output:
elasticsearch { hosts => "10.xxx.xxx.xxx" index => "logstash-myindex-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}" }
An example message looks like:
This creates a separate date field (besides @timestamp) named RequestTimestamp with "2016-01-19T09:08:28." However, in Kibana 4, RequestTimestamp shows up as "January 19th 2016, 03:08:28.000," even with the timezone setting is on "browser." Also in Kibana, the original time in the message shows "2016-01-19T09:08:28." So my question is, where is the offset getting applied and how do I compensate? It looks like it's being converted to UTC twice...