Need help with : failed to find geo_point field

I'm using the following mapping(Node.Js):
function initMapping() {
return elasticClient.indices.putMapping({
index: indexName,
type: "marker",
body: {
properties: {
name: { type: "string" },
location: { type: "geo_point" },
Inserting looks like (using Sense):
PUT /randomindex/marker/7
"name": "hooooo",
"location": {
"lat": 40.722,
"lon": -73.989

Searching looks like:
GET /randomindex/marker/_search
"query": {
"filtered" : {
"filter": {
"geo_distance": {
"distance": "1000km",


by doing this I'm getting the following error: "failed to find geo_point field [location]"
what Am I doing wrong?


Hi @shaykeren,

I guess you are using Elasticsearch 1.7.

I tried the following with Elasticsearch 1.7.1 in Sense and it works as expected for me:

PUT randomindex
   "mappings": {
      "marker": {
         "properties": {
            "name": {
               "type": "string"
            "location": {
               "type": "geo_point"
PUT /randomindex/marker/7
   "name": "hooooo",
   "location": {
      "lat": 40.722,
      "lon": -73.989
GET /randomindex/marker/_search
   "query": {
      "filtered": {
         "filter": {
            "geo_distance": {
               "distance": "1000km",
               "location": {
                  "lat": 40.722,
                  "lon": -73.989
  • Is the mapping as you'd expect it? Check this with GET /randomindex/_mapping
  • Is the document actually inserted? Check this with GET /randomindex/marker/7
  • Maybe you have also a very high refresh_interval? For testing purposes you can issue POST /randomindex/_refresh after you have inserted the document. If it is found now, you should probably decrease your refresh interval.

I hope this hints help you.
