Need help with Java API

I am trying to get started with the Java API, using the excellent tutorial
found here:

But I am still having a lot of trouble.

Below is a sample of code that I have written:

package ca.nrc.ElasticSearch;

import org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.client.Client;
import org.elasticsearch.node.NodeBuilder;

public class ElasticSearchRunner {

static ObjectMapper mapper;
static Client client;
static String indexName = "meal5";
static String typeName = "beer";
static long startTimeMSecs;

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
startTimeMSecs = System.currentTimeMillis();
mapper = new ObjectMapper(); // create once, reuse
echo("Creating the ElasticSearch client...");
client = NodeBuilder.nodeBuilder().node().client(); // Does this create a
brand new cluster?
// client =
// Joins existing cluster called "handson"
echo("DONE creating the ElasticSearch client... Elapsed time =
"+elapsedSecs()+" secs.");
echo("Creating a beer object...");
Beer beer = new Beer("Heineken", Colour.PALE, 0.33, 3);
String jsonString = mapper.writeValueAsString(beer);
echo("DONE Creating a beer object...");

echo("Indexing the beer object...");
IndexResponse ir = null;
ir = client.prepareIndex(indexName, typeName).setSource(jsonString)
echo("DONE Indexing the beer object...");

echo("Retrieving the beer object...");
GetResponse gr = null;
gr = client.prepareGet(indexName, typeName, ir.getId()).execute()
echo("DONE Retrieving the beer object...");

public static float elapsedSecs() {
float elapsed = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeMSecs)/1000;
return elapsed;
public static void echo(String mess) {
mess = mess + " (Elapsed so far: "+elapsedSecs()+" seconds)";

It works, "sort of"...

If I use the first method for creating the client:

client = NodeBuilder.nodeBuilder().node().client();

Then it works fin the first time I run it. However:

*** ISSUE 1: If I try to inspect the meal index with Marvel, I don't find


*** ISSUE 2: If I run the application a second time, I get the following

Creating the ElasticSearch client... (Elapsed so far: 0.0 seconds)
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.elasticsearch.node).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See for
more info.
DONE creating the ElasticSearch client... Elapsed time = 9.0 secs. (Elapsed
so far: 9.0 seconds)
Creating a beer object... (Elapsed so far: 9.0 seconds)
DONE Creating a beer object... (Elapsed so far: 9.0 seconds)
Indexing the beer object... (Elapsed so far: 9.0 seconds)
Exception in thread "main"
org.elasticsearch.action.UnavailableShardsException: [meal5][0] [2]
shardIt, [0] active : Timeout waiting for [1m], request: index

For me to be able to run the application again, I have to change the
indexName variable to a different value (ex: "meal6").


*** ISSUE 3: If I try using the second method for creating a Client, then
it doesn't work. More specifically, if I use this method:

client =

This yields:

Creating the ElasticSearch client... (Elapsed so far: 0.0 seconds)
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.elasticsearch.node).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See for
more info.
DONE creating the ElasticSearch client... Elapsed time = 34.0 secs.
(Elapsed so far: 34.0 seconds)
Creating a beer object... (Elapsed so far: 34.0 seconds)
DONE Creating a beer object... (Elapsed so far: 34.0 seconds)
Indexing the beer object... (Elapsed so far: 34.0 seconds)
Exception in thread "main"
org.elasticsearch.discovery.MasterNotDiscoveredException: waited for [1m]

Yet, the "handson" cluster does exist and I can see it in Marvel.

Finally, I am puzzled by the following:

*** ISSUE 4: It seems that it takes ES 8-9 secs to create a Client using
the first method, and >30 secs with the second method. That seems really
high. Is that normal?

Any help you can provide with either of those issues will be greatly
appreciated. Thx.


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To issue 1: you create a single node cluster without index, and a client of

To issue 2: you see the UnavailableShardsException caused by a timeout
while indexing to a replica shard. This means, you may have set up a single
node cluster, but with replica level 1 (default) which needs 2 nodes for
indexing. Maybe there was once another node joining the cluster and ES
wants it back abut it never came (after 60 secs). Then ES returns the
timeout error. Maybe replica level 0 helps. You should also check the
cluster health. A color of green shows everything works, yellow means there
are too few nodes to satisfy the replica condition, and read means the
cluster is not in a consistent/usable state.

To issue 3: not sure what clusterName() means. I would use settings and add
a field "". Maybe it is equivalent. You must ensure you use the
same "" setting throughout all nodes and clients. You also can
not reuse data from clusters that had other names (look into the "data"

To issue 4: ES takes ~5 secs for discovery, the zen modules pings and waits
for responding master nodes by default. If you just test locally on your
developer machine, you should disable zen. Most easily by disabling
networking at all, by using NodeBuilder.nodeBuilder().local(true)...


On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 6:53 PM, Alain Désilets

I am trying to get started with the Java API, using the excellent tutorial
found here:

Hands on lab Elasticsearch | PPT

But I am still having a lot of trouble.

Below is a sample of code that I have written:

package ca.nrc.Elasticsearch;

import org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.client.Client;
import org.elasticsearch.node.NodeBuilder;

public class ElasticSearchRunner {

static ObjectMapper mapper;
static Client client;
static String indexName = "meal5";
static String typeName = "beer";
static long startTimeMSecs;

public static void main(String args) throws Exception {
startTimeMSecs = System.currentTimeMillis();
mapper = new ObjectMapper(); // create once, reuse
echo("Creating the Elasticsearch client...");
client = NodeBuilder.nodeBuilder().node().client(); // Does this create a
brand new cluster?
// client =
// Joins existing cluster called "handson"
echo("DONE creating the Elasticsearch client... Elapsed time =
"+elapsedSecs()+" secs.");
echo("Creating a beer object...");
Beer beer = new Beer("Heineken", Colour.PALE, 0.33, 3);
String jsonString = mapper.writeValueAsString(beer);
echo("DONE Creating a beer object...");

echo("Indexing the beer object...");
IndexResponse ir = null;
ir = client.prepareIndex(indexName, typeName).setSource(jsonString)
echo("DONE Indexing the beer object...");

echo("Retrieving the beer object...");
GetResponse gr = null;
gr = client.prepareGet(indexName, typeName, ir.getId()).execute()
echo("DONE Retrieving the beer object...");

public static float elapsedSecs() {
float elapsed = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeMSecs)/1000;
return elapsed;
public static void echo(String mess) {
mess = mess + " (Elapsed so far: "+elapsedSecs()+" seconds)";

It works, "sort of"...

If I use the first method for creating the client:

client = NodeBuilder.nodeBuilder().node().client();

Then it works fin the first time I run it. However:

*** ISSUE 1: If I try to inspect the meal index with Marvel, I don't find


*** ISSUE 2: If I run the application a second time, I get the following

Creating the Elasticsearch client... (Elapsed so far: 0.0 seconds)
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.elasticsearch.node).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See Apache log4j 1.2 - Frequently Asked Technical Questions for
more info.
DONE creating the Elasticsearch client... Elapsed time = 9.0 secs.
(Elapsed so far: 9.0 seconds)
Creating a beer object... (Elapsed so far: 9.0 seconds)
DONE Creating a beer object... (Elapsed so far: 9.0 seconds)
Indexing the beer object... (Elapsed so far: 9.0 seconds)
Exception in thread "main"
org.elasticsearch.action.UnavailableShardsException: [meal5][0] [2]
shardIt, [0] active : Timeout waiting for [1m], request: index

For me to be able to run the application again, I have to change the
indexName variable to a different value (ex: "meal6").


*** ISSUE 3: If I try using the second method for creating a Client, then
it doesn't work. More specifically, if I use this method:

client =

This yields:

Creating the Elasticsearch client... (Elapsed so far: 0.0 seconds)
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.elasticsearch.node).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See Apache log4j 1.2 - Frequently Asked Technical Questions for
more info.
DONE creating the Elasticsearch client... Elapsed time = 34.0 secs.
(Elapsed so far: 34.0 seconds)
Creating a beer object... (Elapsed so far: 34.0 seconds)
DONE Creating a beer object... (Elapsed so far: 34.0 seconds)
Indexing the beer object... (Elapsed so far: 34.0 seconds)
Exception in thread "main"
org.elasticsearch.discovery.MasterNotDiscoveredException: waited for [1m]

Yet, the "handson" cluster does exist and I can see it in Marvel.

Finally, I am puzzled by the following:

*** ISSUE 4: It seems that it takes ES 8-9 secs to create a Client using
the first method, and >30 secs with the second method. That seems really
high. Is that normal?

Any help you can provide with either of those issues will be greatly
appreciated. Thx.


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Thx Jörg,

Your comments helped me get quite a bit further. Here is an updated version
of my code:

Demos how to use the ElasticSearch Java API · GitHub

On Monday, 21 July 2014 13:13:58 UTC-4, Jörg Prante wrote:

To issue 1: you create a single node cluster without index, and a client
of it.

Duh! Don't know how I could have missed that. So now, I added a
method createIndex() which creates the index if it doesn't exist, and sets
number_of_replicas to 2. It doesn't define mappings since the ES doc says
that default mappings will be automatically generated if none are specified.

Note however that even with that change, I still couldn't see the new index
in Marvel/Sense, when I instantiated the client with
method makeClientFromEmbeddedNode(). But if I instantiate the client
through a TransportClient, i.e. by invoking
method makeClientFromTransportClient(), then Marvel/Sense sees the new

Using a TransportClient instead of a client obtained from an embedded node
also greatly accelerated the client creation. Instead of taking > 8 secs to
create the client, it takes < 1 sec. Not sure why.

To issue 2: you see the UnavailableShardsException caused by a timeout
while indexing to a replica shard. This means, you may have set up a single
node cluster, but with replica level 1 (default) which needs 2 nodes for
indexing. Maybe there was once another node joining the cluster and ES
wants it back abut it never came (after 60 secs). Then ES returns the
timeout error. Maybe replica level 0 helps. You should also check the
cluster health. A color of green shows everything works, yellow means there
are too few nodes to satisfy the replica condition, and read means the
cluster is not in a consistent/usable state.

I tried setting number_replica=0 and number_replica=1 in createIndex(), but
I still got the org.elasticsearch.action.UnavailableShardsException error
if I instantiate the client with makeClientFromEmbeddedNode(). But I don't
get the error if I instantiate the client with
makeClientFromTransportClient(), independantly of the number of replicas I

To issue 3: not sure what clusterName() means. I would use settings and
add a field "". Maybe it is equivalent. You must ensure you
use the same "" setting throughout all nodes and clients. You
also can not reuse data from clusters that had other names (look into the
"data" folder)

I have now moved that code to a method called
makeClientFromNamedClusterNode(). I haven't been able to make that work at

To issue 4: ES takes ~5 secs for discovery, the zen modules pings and waits

for responding master nodes by default. If you just test locally on your
developer machine, you should disable zen. Most easily by disabling
networking at all, by using NodeBuilder.nodeBuilder().local(true)...

Not sure I understand what that means, but in any case, using a
TransportClient seems to address that issue.

So, all in all, I feel I am in pretty good shape now. Thanks for the help.

There is one new Issue I an now encountering, when I try to do a bulk
indexing, namely:

Issue 5: If I uncomment the call to index100NewBeersInOneBatch(), I get the

== Indexing 100 new beer objects as in one batch... (Elapsed so far: 1.0
Adding beer no 0 to the bulk request. (Elapsed so far: 1.0 seconds)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkRequest.internalAdd(BulkRequest
at org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkRequest.add(
at org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkRequestBuilder.add(
at ca.nrc.Elasticsearch.ElasticSearchDemo.index100NewBeersInOneBatch
at ca.nrc.Elasticsearch.ElasticSearchDemo.main(ElasticSearchDemo.

Any thoughts on what might be going on there?



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To Issue 5: unfortunately, there are some hidden NPEs in the bulk request

Check this

if you find a pattern that matches your case.


On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 8:00 PM, Alain Désilets

Thx Jörg,

Your comments helped me get quite a bit further. Here is an updated
version of my code:

Demos how to use the ElasticSearch Java API · GitHub

On Monday, 21 July 2014 13:13:58 UTC-4, Jörg Prante wrote:

To issue 1: you create a single node cluster without index, and a client
of it.

Duh! Don't know how I could have missed that. So now, I added a
method createIndex() which creates the index if it doesn't exist, and sets
number_of_replicas to 2. It doesn't define mappings since the ES doc says
that default mappings will be automatically generated if none are specified.

Note however that even with that change, I still couldn't see the new
index in Marvel/Sense, when I instantiated the client with
method makeClientFromEmbeddedNode(). But if I instantiate the client
through a TransportClient, i.e. by invoking
method makeClientFromTransportClient(), then Marvel/Sense sees the new

Using a TransportClient instead of a client obtained from an embedded node
also greatly accelerated the client creation. Instead of taking > 8 secs to
create the client, it takes < 1 sec. Not sure why.

To issue 2: you see the UnavailableShardsException caused by a timeout
while indexing to a replica shard. This means, you may have set up a single
node cluster, but with replica level 1 (default) which needs 2 nodes for
indexing. Maybe there was once another node joining the cluster and ES
wants it back abut it never came (after 60 secs). Then ES returns the
timeout error. Maybe replica level 0 helps. You should also check the
cluster health. A color of green shows everything works, yellow means there
are too few nodes to satisfy the replica condition, and read means the
cluster is not in a consistent/usable state.

I tried setting number_replica=0 and number_replica=1 in createIndex(),
but I still got the org.elasticsearch.action.UnavailableShardsException
error if I instantiate the client with makeClientFromEmbeddedNode(). But I
don't get the error if I instantiate the client with
makeClientFromTransportClient(), independantly of the number of replicas I

To issue 3: not sure what clusterName() means. I would use settings and
add a field "". Maybe it is equivalent. You must ensure you
use the same "" setting throughout all nodes and clients.
You also can not reuse data from clusters that had other names (look into
the "data" folder)

I have now moved that code to a method called
makeClientFromNamedClusterNode(). I haven't been able to make that work at

To issue 4: ES takes ~5 secs for discovery, the zen modules pings and

waits for responding master nodes by default. If you just test locally on
your developer machine, you should disable zen. Most easily by disabling
networking at all, by using NodeBuilder.nodeBuilder().local(true)...

Not sure I understand what that means, but in any case, using a
TransportClient seems to address that issue.

So, all in all, I feel I am in pretty good shape now. Thanks for the help.

There is one new Issue I an now encountering, when I try to do a bulk
indexing, namely:

Issue 5: If I uncomment the call to index100NewBeersInOneBatch(), I get
the following:

== Indexing 100 new beer objects as in one batch... (Elapsed so far: 1.0
Adding beer no 0 to the bulk request. (Elapsed so far: 1.0 seconds)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkRequest.internalAdd(
at org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkRequest.add(
at org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkRequestBuilder.add(
at ca.nrc.Elasticsearch.ElasticSearchDemo.
at ca.nrc.Elasticsearch.ElasticSearchDemo.main(ElasticSearchDemo.

Any thoughts on what might be going on there?



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On Tuesday, 22 July 2014 14:21:29 UTC-4, Jörg Prante wrote:

To Issue 5: unfortunately, there are some hidden NPEs in the bulk request

Ah, OK.

I guess I'll stay away from the bulk request API then.


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Noo.... bulk request API is fantistic and a must!

Just take a bit care to not pass nulls or empty requests to it.


On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 8:26 PM, Alain Désilets

On Tuesday, 22 July 2014 14:21:29 UTC-4, Jörg Prante wrote:

To Issue 5: unfortunately, there are some hidden NPEs in the bulk request

Ah, OK.

I guess I'll stay away from the bulk request API then.


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On Tuesday, 22 July 2014 14:45:28 UTC-4, Jörg Prante wrote:

Noo.... bulk request API is fantistic and a must!

Just take a bit care to not pass nulls or empty requests to it.

Thx for the encouragement. I perservered a bit more and then realized that
I had misunderstood how to create an IndexRequest. I fixed the problem and
it's now working.

I have updated the gist demo code accordingly.


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