Need the steps to Index and mapping the unstructured log file and show the expected fields properly in kibana

I need to seperate the field values correctly, to display it in the kibana. I want to parse the unstructured log file. So i came to know with the help of Index and mapping it is possible. But i don't kow to Index and mapping to the file properly. Could you please tell the steps how to mapping and index ?

For Example Server.log file is present. I want to Index and mapping the file correctly. The lines below are in this server.log.

2018-03-13 01:32:54 INFO UserController:96 - Login User from SSO session :com.emc.imap.model.User@2bf26620[,role=,userID=maharn,Neha,Maharudra,]
2018-03-13 01:32:54 INFO UserServiceImpl:109 - method: setUserToken
message: Start:

Expected O/P:

1st Row :
Date - 2018-03-13 01:32:54
log - INFO
Action - Login User from SSO session
message - UserController:96
sessionValue - com.emc.imap.model.User@2bf26620
userid - maharn,Neha,Maharudra

2nd Row :
Date - 2018-03-13 01:32:54
log - INFO
Action - UserServiceImpl:109
Method Name - method: setUserToken
Action - message: Start

So this is the expectation. In the server log file, keep the mentioned log lines and split the field like the expected O/P. Please mention the steps to do it.

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