Need to upgrade/update Arrayformat plugin to 2.3.5


I am trying to use the Arrayformat plugin ( on Elasticsearch 2.3.5.

I was able to get the plugin installed in ES 2.3.5, but it doesn't seem to be working. When I do a search using _search_arrayformat, I am getting:

"_index" : "bank",
"_type" : "account",
"_id" : "_search_arrayformat",
"found" : false

I posted on Stackoverflow and someone there suggested that this is because the plugin is only compatible. with ES 1.4, so I want to try to see what I would need to do to modify the plugin so that it would work properly with ES 2.3.5, but I've not been able to find information about what would need to be done.

Can anyone point me to some info about accomplishing this?


EDIT: BTW, I think that ES is at least aware of the installed plugin, because during startup, I see this:

[2017-05-09 16:01:38,219][INFO ][plugins ] [Kiss] modules [reindex, lang-expression, lang-groovy], plugins [arrayformat], sites [arrayformat]

Also if I run bin/plugins list, it does list "arrayformat".

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