Needed building (configure,make and makeinstall ) steps for Filebeat from source on AIX

Hi Team,

I am trying to fetch logs from my AIX source machines , since Filebeats is not supported officially on AIX but still i wanted to give it a try on AIX machines and hence decided to build its source from gccgo ; i have downloaded the beats source from the master branch "" but i cant find any document which elaborates which main file i need to invoke through gccgo.

however I am new to this go and gccgo world but wanted to build filebeat anyhow and hence will appreciate any help regarding this.

P.S. : I have already tried Rsyslog but found it inconsistent for AIX (requires changes in its statefile and further restarts everyday ) .

Kind Regards,

I haven't tried gccgo or ever attempted to cross-compile filebeat to AIX. A beats main file is in every top-level directory, like
Docs on gccgo say it ships with a go tool replacement. You can try to build filebeat by switching to $GOPATH/src/ and start the build via go build, using the go tool provided by gcc (otherwise you would have to compile all go files + link the generated object files yourself).

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