Needing Help Determining Suspicious User Activity using freq_rare detector

Currently trying to develop a machine learning job to detect when a user identity is performing suspicious actions. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around ML, so I may need a bit of help determining the best way to structure my data.

Currently I'm using our Cisco Umbrella dataset and parsing freq_rare identities over internal IP addresses, which seems to not be giving me anything. Now that I think about it, does the top value (by_fieldname) mean that I am currently looking for rare identities, because if so I'm completely missing the point.

Here's a dump of the current filtered JSON:

  "job_id": "detect_rare_based_on_internal_ip_and_identity",
  "job_type": "anomaly_detector",
  "job_version": "7.1.1",
  "groups": [
  "description": "Detects suspicious behavior of users within the population of internal IPs.",
  "create_time": 1565117280576,
  "analysis_config": {
    "bucket_span": "15m",
    "detectors": [
        "detector_description": "freq_rare by identities over internal_ip",
        "function": "freq_rare",
        "by_field_name": "identities",
        "over_field_name": "internal_ip",
        "detector_index": 0
    "influencers": [
  "analysis_limits": {
    "model_memory_limit": "1024mb",
    "categorization_examples_limit": 4
  "data_description": {
    "time_field": "@timestamp",
    "time_format": "epoch_ms"
  "model_snapshot_retention_days": 1,
  "custom_settings": {
    "custom_urls": []
  "results_index_name": "shared",
  "data_counts": {
    "job_id": "detect_rare_based_on_internal_ip_and_identity",
    "processed_record_count": 25325977,
    "processed_field_count": 101303908,
    "input_bytes": 4366538046,
    "input_field_count": 101303908,
    "invalid_date_count": 0,
    "missing_field_count": 0,
    "out_of_order_timestamp_count": 0,
    "empty_bucket_count": 8,
    "sparse_bucket_count": 0,
    "bucket_count": 780,
    "earliest_record_timestamp": 1556213692000,
    "latest_record_timestamp": 1556915689000,
    "last_data_time": 1565118610064,
    "latest_empty_bucket_timestamp": 1556425800000,
    "input_record_count": 25325977
  "model_size_stats": {
    "job_id": "detect_rare_based_on_internal_ip_and_identity",
    "result_type": "model_size_stats",
    "model_bytes": 38678638,
    "total_by_field_count": 14084,
    "total_over_field_count": 3255,
    "total_partition_field_count": 2,
    "bucket_allocation_failures_count": 0,
    "memory_status": "ok",
    "log_time": 1565118549000,
    "timestamp": 1556896500000
  "datafeed_config": {
    "datafeed_id": "datafeed-detect_rare_based_on_internal_ip_and_identity",
    "job_id": "detect_rare_based_on_internal_ip_and_identity",
    "query_delay": "108588ms",
    "indices": [
    "query": {
      "match_all": {}
    "scroll_size": 1000,
    "chunking_config": {
      "mode": "auto"
    "delayed_data_check_config": {
      "enabled": true
    "state": "started"
  "state": "opened",
  "node": {
    "id": "msWt_FOPQIqRu-OwzKG8HQ",
    "name": "elastic-data03",
    "ephemeral_id": "J1mp6JE0RB6ppLdTE4E78A",
    "transport_address": "",
    "attributes": {
      "ml.machine_memory": "33566892032",
      "ml.max_open_jobs": "20",
      "xpack.installed": "true"
  "open_time": "1322s"

The translation of your detector, in a sentence is:

"Find me internal_ips that have rare identities very pervasively/frequently as compared to other internal_ips"

I'm not sure what the field identities represents in your data so I'm not sure if you'll find anything meaningful.

Is there a reason to use freq_rare instead of just rare?

A good example of using freq_rare is

freq_rare by "nginx.access.url" over "nginx.access.remote_ip"

In other words, "find IPs that pervasively access many rare URLs in my web logs" - with "rare" being interpreted as rare compared to what other IP addresses typically access.

This could return IP Addresses that are scanning, snooping, crawling random URLs, trying combinations of URL parameters, SQL injection, etc.

In other words, not acting like "normal" users.

I was afraid of that. I appear to not understand my data quite as well as I thought. The Identities field is pulled from Cisco Umbrella, which is correlating devices on-prem with a user account. What my ML learning job was supposed to do, in essence, was to examine the different user identities accessing network resources, then report when a user accesses an external domain that is rare. Unfortunately this machine learning job doesn't do that because from my limited understanding, the "domain" field is not aggregatable, so it cannot be used as a detector.

Here is a snippet of my data visualized:

The difference between identity and most_granular_identity are the lack of @domain.local tags that you usually see with Active Directory connections. I don't really have a need for the freq_rare it seems, based on your response.

So, why not use:

rare by domain over identities

Finds identities that accesses rare domains

That seemed to be much more helpful. I will review the differences between rare and freq_rare.

Here is the new configuration:

  "job_id": "rare_detect",
  "job_type": "anomaly_detector",
  "groups": [
  "description": "Detects rare domains based on identity. Influenced by internal IP address, the domain and most_granular_identity.",
  "analysis_config": {
    "bucket_span": "15m",
    "detectors": [
        "detector_description": "rare by domain over most_granular_identity",
        "function": "rare",
        "by_field_name": "domain",
        "over_field_name": "most_granular_identity"
    "influencers": [
  "analysis_limits": {
    "model_memory_limit": "1024mb",
    "categorization_examples_limit": 4
  "data_description": {
    "time_field": "@timestamp",
    "time_format": "epoch_ms"
  "model_snapshot_retention_days": 1,
  "custom_settings": {},
  "datafeed_config": {
    "indices": [
    "query": {
      "bool": {
        "must": [
            "match_all": {}
    "chunking_config": {
      "mode": "auto"
    "delayed_data_check_config": {
      "enabled": true

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