Negative HTTP responsetime

Hi, I install packetbeat 1.3 ,I notice the negative response time in the kibana.

  • Version: packetbeat version 1.3.0 (amd64)
  • Operating System: CentOS release 6.5 (Final) , 2.6.32-431.23.3.el6.x86_64

device: any
type: pcap

ports: [xxx]
real_ip_header: "X-Forwarded-For"
send_headers: ["User-Agent"]

host: "xxxx"
port: 6379
index: "xxxx"

Any ideas of this?Thanks.

The negative value of the response time might be due to packet loss. It would be great if you can send me a small pcap with your traffic (or just upload it here), around the period of time where the response time is negative, so I can investigate the problem.

A similar problem was opened here.

For recording the traffic, you can use one of your favorite (tcpdump, ngrep, etc) or packetbeat. Here are more details.

Hi @monica ,
Thank you for relply, I sent trace.pcap file to you,please check your message.

Today I found that the http response time had no less than 0 item in kibana,then I restarted packetbeat , but negative HTTP responsetime reappeared.

I also noticeed that sometimes the http request.code was 0.

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