Nested documents returned in search results by error

I'm trying to use a nested object type to store some additional data but
running into some inconsistencies versus the documentation when it comes to
searching. From the documentation it sounds like a simple search like

"query": {
"bool": {
"must" : {
"query_string": {
"query": "jane"

Should not return any documents where the only instance of "jane" is in a
nested document. Yet when I run this search against my test data it does.
Mystery deepens when I then use the explain API to try work out why it was
returned and it says the document was matched on _all yet I have
include_in_all set to false in the mapping.

mapping and data for the two documents
Search results here
Explain here

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Update to this. I installed the lastest version and this fixed my issue
for a while until I ran a search with a query with highlighting that should
not have hit on the nested documents but they appeared in the results.. At
this point I started to see the nested documents hitting on every query
(with or without highlighting) due to their contents now being included in
_all. It looks like doing the highlighting pulled everything into the _all

On Thursday, 31 July 2014 11:12:23 UTC+1, Jennifer Cumming wrote:

I'm trying to use a nested object type to store some additional data but
running into some inconsistencies versus the documentation when it comes to
searching. From the documentation it sounds like a simple search like

"query": {
"bool": {
"must" : {
"query_string": {
"query": "jane"

Should not return any documents where the only instance of "jane" is in a
nested document. Yet when I run this search against my test data it does.
Mystery deepens when I then use the explain API to try work out why it was
returned and it says the document was matched on _all yet I have
include_in_all set to false in the mapping.

mapping and data for the two documents here
Mapping and data for nested type · GitHub
Search results here Search results · GitHub
Explain here Return from explain api on the document with id bronte · GitHub

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