Nested json queries

I have some data being indexed that follows a pattern like this:

"" : {
"" : [
{ "value" : "Frank Fay: Way We Were", "type" : "literal" }
"" : [
{ "value" : "2011-09-22", "type" : "literal" }
"" : [
{ "value" : " Robert Burgess, 15-year executive director of NEON, is
given . . .", "type" : "literal", "datatype" : "" }

Trying to wrap my head around the DSL query building. Would I need to
flatten this out in order to construct a query for the dateCreated like

curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/test/item/_search' -d '{"query" : {"text"
: {"" :
"2011-10-07"} }}'

or is it possible to drill down into the nested structure above?
