Nested terms

Can some one pls help me to write a query , i cannot get result back

body: {
query: {

                        bool: {

                            must: [


                                    nested: {

                                        path: "Permissions",

                                        query: {

                                            terms: {

                                                "Permissions.PermissionCode ": cod










Please take some more time to write a proper question. See also

This is an incomplete query, and not a full search request, so noone knows if this is the full query. Also, it is badly formatted with lots of newlines and whitespace, which makes it hard to read.

However the most important part is to create a reproducible example, which includes index creation, index mapping, document indexing and a search request. If these information are missing, then every try to debug is more of a guess than a good tip.


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