NestedAggregation in co.elastic.clients:elasticsearch-java


I'm currently migrating my project to use the new client co.elastic.clients:elasticsearch-java:7.17.22. Previously, with org.elasticsearch:elasticsearch:7.8.1, I created nested aggregations in my JUnit tests like this:

TermsAggregationBuilder expectedTerms = new TermsAggregationBuilder("agg");
NestedAggregationBuilder expectedInnerNested = new NestedAggregationBuilder("nested", "data.Nested.NestedInner");

NestedAggregationBuilder expectedParentNested = new NestedAggregationBuilder("nested", "data.Nested");

This would return a JSON structure like:

   "nested": {
      "nested": {
         "path": "data.Nested"
      "aggregations": {
         "nested": {
            "nested": {
               "path": "data.Nested.NestedInner"
            "aggregations": {
               "agg": {
                  "terms": {
                     "field": "data.Nested.NestedInner.NestedInnerField",
                     "size": 1000,
                     "min_doc_count": 1,
                     "shard_min_doc_count": 0,
                     "show_term_doc_count_error": false,
                     "order": [
                        { "_count": "desc" },
                        { "_key": "asc" }

Now, with the new client, I tried to create the same nested aggregation using:

String jsonString = "{\"nested\":{\"nested\":{\"path\":\"data.Nested\"},\"aggregations\":{\"nested\":{\"nested\":{\"path\":\"data.Nested.NestedInner\"},\"aggregations\":{\"agg\":{\"terms\":{\"field\":\"data.Nested.NestedInner.NestedInnerField\",\"size\":1000,\"min_doc_count\":1,\"shard_min_doc_count\":0,\"show_term_doc_count_error\":false,\"order\":[{\"_count\":\"desc\"},{\"_key\":\"asc\"}]}}}}}}}";

return new NestedAggregation.Builder()


new Aggregation

However, I received the following error:

co.elastic.clients.json.JsonpMappingException: Error deserializing co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.aggregations.NestedAggregation: Unknown field 'nested' (JSON path: nested) (line no=1, column no=10, offset=9)


Caused by: co.elastic.clients.json.JsonpMappingException: Error deserializing co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.aggregations.NestedAggregation: Unknown field 'nested' (JSON path: nested.nested) (line no=1, column no=20, offset=19)
	at co.elastic.clients.json.ObjectDeserializer.parseUnknownField

Can anyone help me understand what I'm doing wrong? How can I properly create a NestedAggregation with sub-aggregations using the new client?


Hello and welcome!

The first part of the json structure you sent:

   "nested": {
      "nested": {
         "path": "data.Nested"

isn't part of the aggregation structure, that's why the new client doesn't recognize it. I was trying to understand what it actually is by sending the request to the server using the Kibana dev tools, but it doesn't seem to be a query, could you give me more information on this?

In the meantime, this is how to write a nested aggregation with the 7.17.21 version of the java client: -> s.index("my-index")
     .aggregations("nested", a -> a
         .nested(n -> n.path("data.Nested.NestedInner"))
         .aggregations("agg", ag -> ag
             .terms(t -> t
                  .order(NamedValue.of("_count", SortOrder.Desc),NamedValue.of("_key",SortOrder.Asc)))))
     , Object.class);

There's one field missing which is shard_min_doc_count, we just recently noticed it was missing from TermsAggregation, we already merged a fix for it which will be available in the 7.17.23 version coming out in a few days.


We have a junit test to create nestedAggregations + subAggregations:

TermsAggregationBuilder expectedTerms = new TermsAggregationBuilder("agg");
        NestedAggregationBuilder expectedInnerNested = new NestedAggregationBuilder("nested", "data.Nested.NestedInner");
        NestedAggregationBuilder expectedParentNested = new NestedAggregationBuilder("nested1", "data.Nested");

expectedParentNested will have


As far as I understand this test, we wanted to have

         "name": "nested"

instead of


In java docs, I found `NestedAggregationBuilder(name, path), name - is name of Aggregation but not a node 'Nested'

A new client:

Aggregation.of(builder -> builder
                .nested(n -> n.path("data.Nested"))
                .aggregations("nested", n -> n.nested(s ->s.path("data.Nested.NestedInner").name("nested1"))).aggregations("agg",
                        a -> a.terms(t -> t.field("data.Nested.NestedInner.NestedInnerField").size(100))));
"path": data.Nested.NestedInner
"name: nested1

I think it is OK.

Hope it helped! If you're still having issues with aggregations here are some other examples of nested/sub aggregations:

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Thank you :wink: