.net client (8.12) converts params data properties to camelCase but i use PascalCase

Hi all,

I use .net client to index my documents. I use nested field to update arrays and add new objects. I use the PascalCase configuration for Properties.

This is my configuration :

var node = new SingleNodePool(new Uri(options.Value.Url));

			var connectionSettings = new ElasticsearchClientSettings(
				 sourceSerializer: (defaultSerializer, settings) =>
					new DefaultSourceSerializer(settings, o=> { o.DictionaryKeyPolicy = null;   o.PropertyNamingPolicy = null; })
				.Authentication(new BasicAuthentication(options.Value.UserName, options.Value.Password))
				.DefaultFieldNameInferrer(f => f)

			ElasticClient = new ElasticsearchClient(connectionSettings);

With the script I wrote, I can change part of the directory I have and add new objects to it. The script works but StoredScriptIdConveter passes the data I give to the API as camelCase.

Here is the code :

public async Task UpdateNestedField<TIndexItem>(string indexName, string id, string scriptName, string fieldName, object[] data)
			var res = await ElasticClient.UpdateAsync<TIndexItem,TIndexItem>(indexName, id, request =>
				var storedScript = new StoredScriptId(scriptName);
				storedScript.Params = new Dictionary<string, object>();
				var name = fieldName;
				storedScript.Params.Add(name, data);
				var script = new Script(storedScript);


The request to be sent to the API is below.

  "script": {
    "id": "test-class-dictionary-update",
    "params": {
      "DictionaryData": [
          "id": "AB",
          "numberData": 789987
          "id": "YY",
          "numberData": 789789
  "scripted_upsert": true

id and numberData fields are not passed to the script correctly. Therefore new properties are created.

  "Id.keyword": [
  "NumberData": [
  "Id": [
  "id.keyword": [
  "id": [
  "numberData": [

Do you have any idea why this is happening?

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