.NET Core elastic not working in server

I have tested ElasticSearch in my localhost, it is working fine. But when I deployed to hosting server, it is not working. I use asphostportal.com. This is my code:

            {public static class ElasticsearchExtensions
    public static void AddElasticsearch(
        this IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration)
        var defaultIndex ="hedonasp";
        var settings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri("https://711e0c87a+++++++=========dc2528152891.us-east-1.aws.found.io:7895"))
            .BasicAuthentication("elastic", "q1vqu++++++++yfV7RFS5WR6");

        // AddDefaultMappings(settings);

        var client = new ElasticClient(settings);


        CreateIndex(client, defaultIndex);

    private static void AddDefaultMappings(ConnectionSettings settings)
            .DefaultMappingFor<ElasticSearchModel>(m => m);

    private static void CreateIndex(IElasticClient client, string indexName)
        var createIndexResponse = client.CreateIndex("hedonasp", c => c
                      .Mappings(m => m.Map<ElasticSearchModel>(mm => mm
                        .RequestConfiguration(r => r

               Console.WriteLine("Writeline is :" + createIndexResponse);



can you provide responses with error codes or exceptions to be able to see what is happening?

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