Netinfo data not added to events using add_host_metadata processor

I'm trying to add host.ip and host.mac fields to filebeat events, but the fields are not showing up in Kibana.

I'm using the following related configuration in filebeat.yml:

  - add_host_metadata:
      netinfo.enabled: true
        # Token describing this location
        name: my_geo_name
        location: "my_lat, my_long"
        continent_name: my_continent
        country_iso_code: my_country_code
        region_name: my_region
        region_iso_code: my_region_code
        city_name: my_city

And this is one of the results after applying the configuration:

    "host": {
      "geo": {
        "continent_name": "my_continent",
        "region_iso_code": "my_region_code",
        "city_name": "my_city",
        "country_iso_code": "my_country_code",
        "name": "my_geo_name",
        "location": "my_lat, my_long",
        "region_name": "my_region"
      "name": "my_hostname"

Note that I waited for ~30 mins to discard any caching issues.

I see the following errors in /var/log/beats/filebeat, but I'm not sure they are related:

2020-07-08T11:54:11.630-0400    ERROR   instance/metrics_file_descriptors.go:39 Error while retrieving FD information: error retrieving process stats: cannot find matching process for pid=62706
2020-07-08T11:54:11.630-0400    ERROR   instance/metrics.go:92  Error while getting memory usage: error retrieving process stats: cannot find matching process for pid=62706
2020-07-08T11:54:11.630-0400    ERROR   instance/metrics.go:136 Error retrieving CPU percentages: error retrieving process stats: cannot find matching process for pid=62706

I've seen other threads discussing such log errors in FreeBSD with no apparent resolution.

Is there anything I'm missing? Thanks for any pointers.

Some more information about my environment:

  • Filebeat host: FreeBSD 12.1
  • Elastic/Kibana host: FreeBSD 12.1
  • Elastic/Kibana version: 7.7.1
  • Beats version: 7.7.1

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