New install Metricbeat failing to run setup


got a new install, looking at metricbeat, I have it monitoring the ELK cluster, but I want the system plugin to work.
I noticed the dashboards where missing so I tried

metricbeat setup --dashboards --index-management --pipelines -e -v

Think this is the problem

"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"security_exception","reason":"action [cluster:admin/ilm/get] is unauthorized for user [metricbeat_internal] with roles [kibana_admin,monitoring_user], this action is granted by the cluster privileges [read_ilm,manage_ilm,manage,all]"}],"type":"security_exception","reason":"action [cluster:admin/ilm/get] is unauthorized for user [metricbeat_internal] with roles [kibana_admin,monitoring_user], this action is granted by the
cluster privileges [read_ilm,manage_ilm,manage,all]"},"status":403}

Not sure what to do now

What user (with roles) do you have configured in the elasticsearch output section.

During set you need at least these privileges.

The error is saying you do not have the right privileges.

You could also use the elastic user.

2nd just run

metricbeat setup -e

Without all the other stuff...


thanks, I add the user to kibana_admin and monitoring_user
I couldn't find these other roles.

Guess I could just run it once to set things up, with elastic username and password.

But if you can point me to where I could read how to setup these other roles - couldn't find it in the doco

I ran it with elastic username and password - passed via the cli

The only think left is
Overwriting ILM policy is disabled. Set setup.ilm.overwrite: true for enabling.

Where to I set that ?

where do I find the dashboard, I can see the metricbeats for the java processes, but not the output from the system module

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