New to ES Rally not creating metrics

I set up my first Trackand Race but just hangs saying "Preparing for Race". INdex in reporting DB does create but no docs... Any Ideas?

health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
green open rally-metrics-2020-01 xA3vEVDnQx2qMeEsFVXz8g 2 1 0 0 1.1kb 566b

Here is my track.json:
ffoti@rally:~$ cat /mnt1/benchmarch/tracks/private/track.json
"version": 2,
"description": "Foti test bigzeta",
"indices": [
"name": "mysql-backup-list",
"types": [ "docs" ]
"challenges": [
"name": "query-now",
"default": true,
"schedule": [
"operation": {
"name": "query-match-all",
"operation-type": "search",
"body": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"warmup-iterations": 100,
"iterations": 100,
"target-throughput": 10

2020-01-28 13:43:08,81 -not-actor-/PID:2644 esrally.rally INFO OS [posix.uname_result(sysname='Linux', nodename='rally', release='4.9.0-11-amd64', version='#1 SMP Debian 4.9.189-3+deb9u2 (2019-11-11)', machine='x86_64')]
2020-01-28 13:43:08,81 -not-actor-/PID:2644 esrally.rally INFO Python [namespace(_multiarch='x86_64-linux-gnu', cache_tag='cpython-35', hexversion=50660336, name='cpython', version=sys.version_info(major=3, minor=5, micro=3, releaselevel='final', serial=0))]
2020-01-28 13:43:08,82 -not-actor-/PID:2644 esrally.rally INFO Rally version [1.3.0]
2020-01-28 13:43:08,82 -not-actor-/PID:2644 INFO Connecting directly to the Internet (no proxy support).
2020-01-28 13:43:08,193 -not-actor-/PID:2644 esrally.rally INFO Detected a working Internet connection.
2020-01-28 13:43:08,201 -not-actor-/PID:2644 esrally.rally INFO Actor system already running locally? [False]
2020-01-28 13:43:08,201 -not-actor-/PID:2644 INFO Starting actor system with system base [multiprocTCPBase] and capabilities [{'coordinator': True, 'ip': '', 'Convention Address.IPv4': ''}].
2020-01-28 13:43:08,217 -not-actor-/PID:2650 root INFO ++++ Actor System gen (3, 9) started, admin @ ActorAddr-(T|:1900)
2020-01-28 13:43:08,231 -not-actor-/PID:2644 esrally.racecontrol INFO User specified no pipeline. Automatically derived pipeline [from-sources-complete].
2020-01-28 13:43:08,233 -not-actor-/PID:2644 esrally.racecontrol INFO Using configured hosts [{'host': '', 'port': 9200}]
2020-01-28 13:43:08,233 -not-actor-/PID:2644 INFO Joining already running actor system with system base [multiprocTCPBase].
2020-01-28 13:43:08,235 ActorAddr-(T|:1900)/PID:2650 INFO Capabilities [{'Thespian ActorSystem Version': 2, 'Python Version': (3, 5, 3, 'final', 0), 'Thespian Version': '1580218988210', 'coordinator': True, 'Thespian ActorSystem Name': 'multiprocTCPBase', 'ip': '', 'Thespian Watch Supported': True, 'Convention Address.IPv4': '', 'Thespian Generation': (3, 9)}] match requirements [{'coordinator': True}].
2020-01-28 13:43:08,237 ActorAddr-(T|:1900)/PID:2650 INFO Capabilities [{'Thespian ActorSystem Version': 2, 'Python Version': (3, 5, 3, 'final', 0), 'Thespian Version': '1580218988210', 'coordinator': True, 'Thespian ActorSystem Name': 'multiprocTCPBase', 'ip': '', 'Thespian Watch Supported': True, 'Convention Address.IPv4': '', 'Thespian Generation': (3, 9)}] match requirements [{'coordinator': True}].
2020-01-28 13:43:08,252 ActorAddr-(T|:40583)/PID:2652 esrally.track.loader INFO Reading track specification file [/mnt1/benchmarch/tracks/private/track.json].
2020-01-28 13:43:08,260 ActorAddr-(T|:40583)/PID:2652 esrally.track.loader INFO Final rendered track for '/mnt1/benchmarch/tracks/private/track.json' has been written to '/tmp/tmp6nak92uy.json'.
2020-01-28 13:43:08,266 ActorAddr-(T|:40583)/PID:2652 esrally.client INFO Creating ES client connected to [{'host': '', 'port': '9200'}] with options [{'verify_certs': False, 'use_ssl': False, 'timeout': 120, 'basic_auth_user': 'elastic', 'basic_auth_password': ''}]
2020-01-28 13:43:08,267 ActorAddr-(T|:40583)/PID:2652 esrally.client INFO SSL support: off
2020-01-28 13:43:08,267 ActorAddr-(T|:40583)/PID:2652 esrally.client INFO HTTP basic authentication: on
2020-01-28 13:43:08,267 ActorAddr-(T|:40583)/PID:2652 esrally.client INFO HTTP compression: off
2020-01-28 13:43:08,286 ActorAddr-(T|:40583)/PID:2652 esrally.metrics INFO Creating Elasticsearch metrics store
2020-01-28 13:43:08,287 ActorAddr-(T|:40583)/PID:2652 esrally.metrics INFO Opening metrics store for trial timestamp=[20200128T134308Z], track=[private], challenge=[query-now], car=[['defaults']]
2020-01-28 13:43:08,341 ActorAddr-(T|:40583)/PID:2652 esrally.metrics INFO [rally-metrics-2020-01] already exists with proper mapping.
2020-01-28 13:43:08,346 ActorAddr-(T|:40583)/PID:2652 esrally.metrics INFO Creating ES race store
2020-01-28 13:43:08,346 ActorAddr-(T|:40583)/PID:2652 esrally.client INFO Creating ES client connected to [{'host': '', 'port': '9200'}] with options [{'verify_certs': False, 'use_ssl': False, 'timeout': 120, 'basic_auth_user': 'elastic', 'basic_auth_password': '
2020-01-28 13:43:08,346 ActorAddr-(T|:40583)/PID:2652 esrally.client INFO SSL support: off
2020-01-28 13:43:08,346 ActorAddr-(T|:40583)/PID:2652 esrally.client INFO HTTP basic authentication: on
2020-01-28 13:43:08,346 ActorAddr-(T|:40583)/PID:2652 esrally.client INFO HTTP compression: off
2020-01-28 13:43:08,350 ActorAddr-(T|:40583)/PID:2652 esrally.client INFO Creating ES client connected to [{'host': '', 'port': '9200'}] with options [{'verify_certs': False, 'use_ssl': False, 'timeout': 120, 'basic_auth_user': 'elastic', 'basic_auth_password': ''}]
2020-01-28 13:43:08,350 ActorAddr-(T|:40583)/PID:2652 esrally.client INFO SSL support: off
2020-01-28 13:43:08,351 ActorAddr-(T|:40583)/PID:2652 esrally.client INFO HTTP basic authentication: on
2020-01-28 13:43:08,351 ActorAddr-(T|:40583)/PID:2652 esrally.client INFO HTTP compression: off
2020-01-28 13:43:08,354 ActorAddr-(T|:40583)/PID:2652 INFO Asking mechanic to start the engine.
2020-01-28 13:43:08,355 ActorAddr-(T|:40583)/PID:2652 INFO Capabilities [{'Thespian ActorSystem Version': 2, 'Python Version': (3, 5, 3, 'final', 0), 'Thespian Version': '1580218988210', 'coordinator': True, 'Thespian ActorSystem Name': 'multiprocTCPBase', 'ip': '', 'Thespian Watch Supported': True, 'Convention Address.IPv4': '', 'Thespian Generation': (3, 9)}] match requirements [{'coordinator': True}].
2020-01-28 13:43:08,376 ActorAddr-(T|:43669)/PID:2653 INFO Received signal from race control to start engine.
2020-01-28 13:43:08,378 ActorAddr-(T|:43669)/PID:2653 esrally.client INFO Creating ES client connected to [{'host': '', 'port': '9200'}] with options [{'verify_certs': False, 'use_ssl': False, 'timeout': 120, 'basic_auth_user': 'elastic', 'basic_auth_password': '
2020-01-28 13:43:08,379 ActorAddr-(T|:43669)/PID:2653 esrally.client INFO SSL support: off
2020-01-28 13:43:08,379 ActorAddr-(T|:43669)/PID:2653 esrally.client INFO HTTP basic authentication: on
2020-01-28 13:43:08,379 ActorAddr-(T|:43669)/PID:2653 esrally.client INFO HTTP compression: off
2020-01-28 13:43:08,388 ActorAddr-(T|:43669)/PID:2653 esrally.metrics INFO Opening metrics store for trial timestamp=[20200128T134308Z], track=[private], challenge=[query-now], car=[['defaults']]
2020-01-28 13:43:08,546 ActorAddr-(T|:43669)/PID:2653 esrally.utils.repo INFO Checking out [master] in [/mnt1/benchmarch/teams/default] for distribution version [None].
2020-01-28 13:43:08,554 ActorAddr-(T|:43669)/PID:2653 esrally.utils.process INFO b"Already on 'master'\n"
2020-01-28 13:43:08,554 ActorAddr-(T|:43669)/PID:2653 esrally.utils.process INFO b"Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.\n"
2020-01-28 13:43:08,555 ActorAddr-(T|:43669)/PID:2653 esrally.utils.repo INFO Rebasing on [master] in [/mnt1/benchmarch/teams/default] for distribution version [None].
2020-01-28 13:43:08,573 ActorAddr-(T|:43669)/PID:2653 esrally.utils.process INFO b"Already on 'master'\n"
2020-01-28 13:43:08,574 ActorAddr-(T|:43669)/PID:2653 esrally.utils.process INFO b"Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.\n"
2020-01-28 13:43:08,604 ActorAddr-(T|:43669)/PID:2653 esrally.utils.process INFO b'Current branch master is up to date.\n'
2020-01-28 13:43:08,616 ActorAddr-(T|:43669)/PID:2653 INFO Cluster consisting of [{'host': '', 'port': 9200}] will be provisioned by Rally.
2020-01-28 13:43:08,618 ActorAddr-(T|:43669)/PID:2653 INFO Capabilities [{'Thespian ActorSystem Version': 2, 'Python Version': (3, 5, 3, 'final', 0), 'Thespian Version': '1580218988210', 'coordinator': True, 'Thespian ActorSystem Name': 'multiprocTCPBase', 'ip': '', 'Thespian Watch Supported': True, 'Convention Address.IPv4': '', 'Thespian Generation': (3, 9)}] match requirements [{}].


Thanks for your interest in Rally.

First of all, as a general guideline to the discuss groups, please don't post unformatted code as it's very hard to read.

Instead, paste the text and format it with </> icon or pairs of triple backticks (```), and check the preview window to make sure it's properly formatted before posting it. It would be great if you could update your post to solve this.

Now to your question:

Is your intention to use Rally for querying only, against an existing cluster that has the index populated with data already?

If yes you should be using the benchmark-only pipeline.

Can you provide your Rally invocation command?


1 Like

One additional thing to note is that your definitions for warmup-iteratios, iterations, target-throughput need to live within the task (currently you have them outside of the schedule).

See this example:

Thanks for the quick reply. It solved my initial challenge working with Rally :grinning:

Preview looks fine to me without the suggestion. I am not clear on the formattign suggestion.

This worked for me:

~/.local/bin/esrally --pipeline=benchmark-only --track-path /mnt1/benchmarch/tracks/private/ --target-hosts=http://*********:9200/ --client-options="use_ssl:false,basic_auth_user:'elastic',basic_auth_password:'********'"  --challenge=just-search

  "challenge": {
    "name": "just-search",
    "schedule": [
        "operation": {
          "operation-type": "search",
          "index": "mysql-backup-list",
          "body": {
            "query": {
              "match_all": {}
        "warmup-iterations": 100,
        "iterations": 100,
        "target-throughput": 10

You are welcome.

re: the formatting, I went ahead and updated your last comment.

This is how it looked before:

and this is how it looks now:

In the future, just enclose any snippets you paste between triple backticks, or select the text and click the the icon:


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