Is there some option to configure metricbeat for collecting nginx-ingress metrics/stats installed on k8s. AFAIK nginx module just parses stub_status response. Nginx can ship metrics in prometheus format or in json.
The nginx module only implement stub_status metricset. Prometheus and json (via http) are more generic protocols. Have you had a look at the http or prometheus module?
do you have only one nginx instance running?
I think the http / promethues collector needs an endpoint for each nginx instance.
Or can metricbeat discover te endpoints?
I have one pod of nginx-controller, but as you said there is endpoint for nginx-controller (stats and metrics too) and it points to all nginx-controller pods. So all you need is to place metricbeat in the same namespace as nginx or create your own service in metricbeat namespace. But i don't know how metrics is collected from multiple instance of nginx-controller pods.
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