No data has been received from agents yet

I'm having trouble getting the apm agent working.
Thank you for any help.
If you are asking about a problem you are experiencing, please use the following template, as it will help us help you. If you have a different problem, please delete all of this text :slight_smile:

Kibana version: 7.0.0

Elasticsearch version: 7.0.0

APM Server version: 7.0.1

APM Agent language and version: Node.js ("elastic-apm-node": "2.2.1")

Browser version: Google Chrome is up to date Version 78.0.3904.87 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Original install method (e.g. download page, yum, deb, from source, etc.) and version: apm-server-7.0.1-x86_64.rpm'

Fresh install or upgraded from other versions? Fresh install

Is there anything special in your setup? For example, are you using the Logstash or Kafka outputs? Are you using a load balancer in front of the APM Servers? Have you changed index pattern, generated custom templates, changed agent configuration etc.

  1. Yes, I'm using an internal load balancer in front of my two apm server nodes.
  2. Applications are running in docker contnaiers in a paired VPC with the apm servers

Description of the problem including expected versus actual behavior. Please include screenshots (if relevant):

Steps to reproduce:

  1. go to apm page in kibana
  2. click on agent status
  3. getting "No data has been received from agents yet"

Errors in browser console (if relevant):
I don't see any error logs in the browser console

Provide logs and/or server output (if relevant):

  1. I did a curl from the application to the apm server, I got the 200 result back.
    sh-4.2$ curl http://dev-apm-server.common.xxxx.local:8200
    "build_date": "2019-04-29T11:46:58Z",
    "build_sha": "79e123dbf8c042b1e3cfa30260910ae7e93939d2",
    "version": "7.0.1"

    [deploy@ip-192-168-0-117 ~]$ systemctl status apm-server

    ● apm-server.service - Elastic APM Server
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/apm-server.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: active (running) since Thu 2019-10-31 20:39:59 UTC; 3 days ago
    Main PID: 32349 (apm-server)
    CGroup: /system.slice/apm-server.service
    └─32349 /usr/share/apm-server/bin/apm-server -e -c /etc/apm-server/apm-server.yml -path.home /usr/share/apm-server -path.config /etc/apm-server /var/lib/apm-server -path.logs /var/log/apm-server

     Nov 04 17:03:50 ip-192-168-0-117.ec2.internal apm-server[13171]: 2019-11-04T17:03:50.971Z        INFO        pipeline/output.go:95        Connecting to backoff(elasticsearch(
     Nov 04 17:03:50 ip-192-168-0-117.ec2.internal apm-server[13171]: 2019-11-04T17:03:50.971Z        DEBUG        [elasticsearch]        elasticsearch/client.go:710        ES Ping(url=
     Nov 04 17:03:50 ip-192-168-0-117.ec2.internal apm-server[13171]: 2019-11-04T17:03:50.977Z        DEBUG        [elasticsearch]        elasticsearch/client.go:733        Ping status code: 200
     Nov 04 17:03:50 ip-192-168-0-117.ec2.internal apm-server[13171]: 2019-11-04T17:03:50.977Z        INFO        elasticsearch/client.go:734        Attempting to connect to Elasticsearch version 7.0.0
     Nov 04 17:03:50 ip-192-168-0-117.ec2.internal apm-server[13171]: 2019-11-04T17:03:50.977Z        DEBUG        [elasticsearch]        elasticsearch/client.go:752        GET  <nil>
     Nov 04 17:03:50 ip-192-168-0-117.ec2.internal apm-server[13171]: 2019-11-04T17:03:50.995Z        DEBUG        [elasticsearch]        elasticsearch/client.go:752        HEAD  <nil>
     Nov 04 17:03:50 ip-192-168-0-117.ec2.internal apm-server[13171]: 2019-11-04T17:03:50.999Z        INFO        template/load.go:129        Template already exists and will not be overwritten.
     Nov 04 17:03:50 ip-192-168-0-117.ec2.internal apm-server[13171]: 2019-11-04T17:03:50.999Z        INFO        [index-management]        idxmgmt/supporter.go:196        Loaded index template.
     Nov 04 17:03:50 ip-192-168-0-117.ec2.internal apm-server[13171]: 2019-11-04T17:03:50.999Z        INFO        pipeline/output.go:105        Connection to backoff(elasticsearch( established
     Nov 04 17:03:51 ip-192-168-0-117.ec2.internal apm-server[13171]: 2019-11-04T17:03:51.016Z        DEBUG        [elasticsearch]        elasticsearch/client.go:338        PublishEvents: 1 events have been published to elasticsearch in 17.460314ms.
     Nov 04 17:03:51 ip-192-168-0-117.ec2.internal apm-server[13171]: 2019-11-04T17:03:51.016Z        DEBUG        [publisher]        memqueue/ackloop.go:160        ackloop: receive ack [0: 0, 1]
     Nov 04 17:03:51 ip-192-168-0-117.ec2.internal apm-server[13171]: 2019-11-04T17:03:51.016Z        DEBUG        [publisher]        memqueue/eventloop.go:535        broker ACK events: count=1, start-seq=1, end-seq=1
     Nov 04 17:03:51 ip-192-168-0-117.ec2.internal apm-server[13171]: 2019-11-04T17:03:51.016Z        DEBUG        [publisher]        memqueue/ackloop.go:128        ackloop: return ack to broker loop:1
     Nov 04 17:03:51 ip-192-168-0-117.ec2.internal apm-server[13171]: 2019-11-04T17:03:51.016Z        DEBUG        [publisher]        memqueue/ackloop.go:131        ackloop:  done send ack
     Nov 04 17:37:57 ip-192-168-0-117.ec2.internal apm-server[13171]: 2019-11-04T17:37:57.543Z        INFO        [request]        beater/common_handler.go:185        handled request        {"request_id": "a79561a8-61d5-4258-8400-2c1dae2e797f", "method": "GET", "URL": "/", "content_length": 0, "remote_address": "", "user-agent": "curl/7.29.0", "response_code": 200}
     lines 35-74/74 (END)

I figured it out. It's because the application I'm instrumenting not sending out any request due to versioning.

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