No data to display for the selected metrics

Have installed metricbeat on windows 2012 and windows 2016,Getting Error on Windows 2012 Platform

Processes By Memory [Metricbeat System] , Top Processes By CPU [Metricbeat System] and Disk IO (Bytes) [Metricbeat System]

For Windows 2012 Standard -- Not able to get the data for mentioning metrics.

Error Logs
// 2018-06-06T00:24:46.637+0530 ERROR process/process.go:454 Error getting process details. pid=620: error getting pr
ocess arguments for pid=620: ProcArgs failed for pid=620: could not get Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId = 620: Exception o
ccurred. (Invalid class )
2018-06-06T00:24:46.659+0530 ERROR process/process.go:454 Error getting process details. pid=9620: error getting p
rocess arguments for pid=9620: ProcArgs failed for pid=9620: could not get Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId = 9620: Excepti
on occurred. (Invalid class )
2018-06-06T00:24:46.682+0530 ERROR process/process.go:454 Error getting process details. pid=9200: error getting p
rocess arguments for pid=9200: ProcArgs failed for pid=9200: could not get Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId = 9200: Excepti
on occurred. (Invalid class )
2018-06-06T00:24:46.705+0530 ERROR process/process.go:454 Error getting process details. pid=9784: error getting p
rocess arguments for pid=9784: ProcArgs failed for pid=9784: could not get Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId = 9784: Excepti
on occurred. (Invalid class )
2018-06-06T00:24:46.730+0530 ERROR process/process.go:454 Error getting process details. pid=9744: error getting p
rocess arguments for pid=9744: ProcArgs failed for pid=9744: could not get Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId = 9744: Excepti
on occurred. (Invalid class )
2018-06-06T00:24:46.752+0530 ERROR process/process.go:454 Error getting process details. pid=5168: error getting p
rocess arguments for pid=5168: ProcArgs failed for pid=5168: could not get Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId = 5168: Excepti
on occurred. (Invalid class )
2018-06-06T00:24:46.776+0530 ERROR process/process.go:454 Error getting process details. pid=5860: error getting p
rocess arguments for pid=5860: ProcArgs failed for pid=5860: could not get Win32_Process WHERE ProcessId = 5860: Excepti
on occurred. (Invalid class )
2018-06-06T00:24:46.809+0530 INFO cfgfile/reload.go:222 Dynamic config reloader stopped
2018-06-06T00:24:46.810+0530 INFO instance/beat.go:308 metricbeat stopped.
On Windows 2016 Same configuration is able to get Data for visualizing.

Hi @Einbasaharan,

It seems that there are some versions of Windows that don't support the Win32_Process class, we check it for Vista and older versions, maybe for 2012 it is also not supported, but in the documentation they mention that it is supported starting on Windows 2008. I have oppened an issue to investigate this (#105).

Thanks for reporting!

@Einbasaharan do you have by chance the possibility to test it also in Windows 2012 R2? Thanks!

Windows 2012 R2 seems to be reporting the data to elastic.

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