No Index after indexing with Apache Nutch

Hi everyone!
I'm struggling with Elasticsearch in combination with Apache Nutch.
With Apache Nutch I want to crawl my websites and index their content to Elasticsearch.
Unfortunately the index isn't created, even if Nutch says that everything is done. (Step 3 of the tutorial)
I'm using Apache Nutch 1.17 in combination with Elasticsearch and Kibana 7.10 on CentOS7.
This is the tutorial I'm following (except installation and konfiguration of ES and Kibana:

I'm wondering, why the following console output shows me "localhost", even if I've configured the IP address.

Hopefully somebody may help me out.


Here is the final console output.

│host                       │Comma-separated list of hostnames                                                   │localhost│
│port                       │The port to connect to elastic server.                                              │9200     │
│index                      │Default index to send documents to.                                                 │nutch    │
│username                   │Username for auth credentials                                                       │elastic  │
│password                   │Password for auth credentials                                                       │         │
│              │Maximum size of the bulk in number of documents.                                    │250      │
│max.bulk.size              │Maximum size of the bulk in bytes.                                                  │2500500  │
│exponential.backoff.millis │Initial delay for the BulkProcessor exponential backoff policy.                     │100      │
│exponential.backoff.retries│Number of times the BulkProcessor  exponential  backoff  policy  should  retry  bulk│10       │
│                           │operations.                                                                         │         │
│bulk.close.timeout         │Number of seconds allowed for the BulkProcessor to complete its last operation.     │600      │

Indexer: number of documents indexed, deleted, or skipped:
Indexer:      9  indexed (add/update)
Indexer: finished at 2020-11-12 11:16:34, elapsed: 00:00:02

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