No logs from /var/containers/* in kubernetes integration

Hello guys,

I have been trying to setup ECK lately as a monitoring solution for our local K8s cluster.
I have used the examples provided in the official documentation for Fleet-managed Elastic Agent on ECK with system and kubernetes integration.
I have only changed the namespace of the resource and am also using the latest version 8.9.1 for elasticsearch, kibana and agent resource.

Everything is default and it seems to be working as expected, I have all the metrics on the dashboards for K8s, but for some reason I dont have kubernetes.container_logs dataset which is by default. I only get metrics and no logs.

I have tried modifying the expression in kubernetes log path from /var/log/containers/${}.log which is the default one to more broader and inclusive ones like /var/log/containers/.log. but still nothing.
I couldnt find any logs that could help out so if you need any particular logs i will gladly provide them.
Thanks in advance

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