No reconnect after shutdown: running logstash rabbitmq input plugin in docker/kubernetes


I am using logstash 5.3.2. The offical docker image from Both rabbitmq und logstash are running in a Kubernetes cluster.

There is no reconnect/retry to connect to a new rabbitmq instance, if rabbitmq is restarted during deployment, just the normal shutdown message, when rabbitmq is going down in the logstash log.
Any idea, how I can do a automatic reconnect, when rabbitmq is up again? Logstash stays up, but nothing else is happening. Logstash rabbitmqs input plugin is used as a consumer for sending json to elasticsearch.

[2017-05-17T09:15:08,869][INFO ][logstash.inputs.rabbitmq ] Connected to RabbitMQ at
[2017-05-17T11:16:07,490][WARN ][logstash.inputs.rabbitmq ] RabbitMQ connection was closed! {:url=>"amqp://openstack:XXXXXX@rabbitmq:5672/", :automatic_recovery=>true, :cause=>com.rabbitmq.client.ShutdownSignalException: connection error}

The rabbitmq and the logstash agent are running in different namespace and have, right now, no deployment dependencies.


Thanks a lot and regards,


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